Moto Mengy
Motovlogger from PA, USA
I use TubeBuddy (very similar to VidIQ). Basically, you give it your "Keyword" and it uses that to tally up an SEO Score based on suggested tags and the usage of your keyword.
I don't know how much it helps on small channels, but I like to think it is worth the effort. I use it for most videos where I have a specific piece of info or story I want to present.
It also gives me info on videos I view so that I can see how they are performing.
Below is a snippet from your Camping Gear Video.
View attachment 6456
I also have TubeBuddy yet I never use this feature. Not for any good reason other than I simply make tags up myself and type them in without really researching much of anything at all.
I should take some time to explore the features TB has in it, as before your post Walt I'd didn't even know it could do this?!??!?