Fixed Penatly For Failure To Insure - But It Was SORN (UK)

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Wannabie Member
For those of you in the UK -
Today I got a fixed penalty notice for failure to insure, however I had declared the bike SORN 4 days before they claim it was un-insured, and it hasn't been used since last August. I can contest it, however, the only evidence they accept is the conformation of SORN letter from the DVLA, which still hasn't arrived, however I have received the cheque with my Tax refund, dated 5 days after the date they are stating I was uninsured. Where do I stand, what can I do, apart from get angry over the phone (but they don't give a number), or wait until they take me to court.
Re: Fixed Penatly For Failure To Insure - But It Was SORN (U

Ring the DVLA on this number should take you to the tax/SORN dept, 0300 790 6802.

They should be able to track back their records. Also if you SORN'd the bike over the internet you get a confirmation letter might be worth looking for it as that is also evidence.
Re: Fixed Penatly For Failure To Insure - But It Was SORN (U

AZZ3R said:
Ring the DVLA on this number should take you to the tax/SORN dept, 0300 790 6802.

They should be able to track back their records. Also if you SORN'd the bike over the internet you get a confirmation letter might be worth looking for it as that is also evidence.

I still havn't got the conformation letter, but did get the Tax refund in the post today. I declared it SORN on the 13th of Feb. They say it was uninsured on the 17th of feb.
Re: Fixed Penatly For Failure To Insure - But It Was SORN (U

I would write back to them - then at least you have a record of your response.
Re: Fixed Penatly For Failure To Insure - But It Was SORN (U

When you complete the form online it automatically takes you to a webpage with confirmation of thr SORN this needs to be printed & used as evidence untill the actual one from the DVLA arrives.

Have a look through your emails and look for the email to say its been confirrmed & print it off.

It takes about 2-4weeks to get anything from the DVLA.

First place to start is by ringing the DVLA, unsure if their open on weekends but worth a try.
Re: Fixed Penatly For Failure To Insure - But It Was SORN (U

Just to let you all know, after 40 minute of being passed between the DVLA, MID and every other farmer and his donkey, I got the Fixed Penalty Cancelled.
Re: Fixed Penatly For Failure To Insure - But It Was SORN (U

Good job! Hopefully that was a free phone number :)
Re: Fixed Penatly For Failure To Insure - But It Was SORN (U

Thats good. I have heard that talking like you know your legal stuff and threatening court action can make the DVLA back off because it is more hassle than its worth in their opinion. Glad it didn't have to come to that and it has been cancelled though! Even better that it has been done using free 0800 numbers!
Re: Fixed Penatly For Failure To Insure - But It Was SORN (U

mealexme said:
Thats good. I have heard that talking like you know your legal stuff and threatening court action can make the DVLA back off because it is more hassle than its worth in their opinion. Glad it didn't have to come to that and it has been cancelled though! Even better that it has been done using free 0800 numbers!

Yeah, I had no clue what I was rambling about, but the person at the call centre doesn't know the legal ins and outs either. I said I was recording the conversation on the advice of my lawyer, and a few other legal sounding rambles. If you have a half decent case, and sound like your all ready to go to court, then its not worth their hassle. Also layout all the information you have, with dates written out. So you don't stumble at any point, makes it sound like you know your stuff. (Which I don't)
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