do you find yourself disappointed with your video's

I might get some criticism and laughed at for this, but I actually use Powerpoint to make my thumbnails. Powerpoint is preinstalled, I have it on ALL my machines and it has all the tools I need, plus some new fonts that I downloaded.

I think Powerpoint is under-rated. Its just a tiny thumbnail. Plus, I save all my old thumbnails on previous slides and just format paste on anything I want to reuse.

Its even got crude photo editing software in-built.
I use PowerPoint at work to make infographics. Its quite versatile. Never thought about thumbnails!
I use PowerPoint at work to make infographics. Its quite versatile. Never thought about thumbnails!

CityBob - trendsetter.
Haha. Honestly it's do useful to be able to save all the thumbnails in PowerPoint and copy rather you need for the next, helps with brand identity and certainly saves time as you don't have to recreate a lot of the themes you might consistently use.
I really like editing especially if I have good footage. Making the vids themselves is the hobby for me rather than the vlogging bit.
DaVinci Resolve is very good especially considering its free.
I'm not disappointed with the final vids but would like more footage maybe from someone else on the ride to edit in.

feel you there, I really like the editing process, prob more than the vlogging but a lot of that is down to being new and still a bit uncomfortable in front of the camera
feel you there, I really like the editing process, prob more than the vlogging but a lot of that is down to being new and still a bit uncomfortable in front of the camera

I'd recommend the 10 minute challenge for anyone a bit shy in front of the camera...

My biggest quirk is to stop saying ‘umm’ when I’m monologuing. That’s my overall goal now.


Might not help with filler words though ;) lol
I'm never disappointed with my videos as I'm still learning with every one so my expectations aren't high to begin with! I am critical of my motovlogs though, after I learn new tricks I look at my older vids and wish I could "redo" them.

I like it when I make mistakes, that's how I learn to do better! :cool:
I find that if I'm having fun, the content is good. I've also ingrained the notion 'expect nothing so you're not disappointed'. I find the less effort, the more natural. The more natural, the more fun. The more fun, the less you need gimmicks, angles, video effects etc etc.

I've been there, tried that, and found that it takes so long that it takes the enjoyment out of the whole process. Years later, I'm still watching my vlogs from 2015 with a beer on a friday and having a giggle.

Just have fun with it.
I find myself disappointed with all of my videos, but thats because 1) i hate the sound of my own voice 2) im very critical of myself and frequently have a low self esteem and 3) always strive to do better. That being said, I am happy I make the effort, produce videos, and do my best. I find pride in that.

It certainly is very much a confidence thing, Certain other elements and struggles in my life also contribute to very low self esteem, at times it effects me more than others.

In saying that it is early days yet but so far motovlogging is give me a creative outlet that was missing in my life.
I see every video as a learning experience. I do catch some of my own mistakes after I already upload. But now I quadruple check everything lol

Ya I tend to watch it over and over again, sometimes when i watch other videos i like to seen mistakes shows we are all human and trying
My biggest quirk is to stop saying ‘umm’ when I’m monologuing. That’s my overall goal now.

Same! I use too many filler words on some videos that I create too. It helps to script out what your material is so you have a rough idea of what you want to say then things come more smoothly after that. Speaking on the fly is a nice talent to have but it's really hard but nothing the magic of editing can't fix. I have learned to edit edit edit. I am some what of a pack rat by nature and when I first started editing, I barely could cut anything out (just like the physical stuff in my life, doh), now after a little practice I hack away and it's actually a really nice feeling! 1 hour of video may only really have 10 minutes or less of useful content (and that is not always a bad thing). Once in a while you can hit a home run and get 30 or 40 minutes out of that hour long video but for me is very rare.
Good points. I make a mental outline of the points I want to make, but the verbal ticks come in on an unconscious level as its my natural speech rhythm and diction. Being conscious of them helps a lot. From what I've seen the best YouTuber don't have or have eliminated those problems and hangups.

I often tell my students (prefaced not to take it literally) that sometimes you have to kill your children. In this case our children are our footage. Like you said you don't need everything. Storytelling is about editing, and editing shapes story telling.

- Wolf
I am also a over user of filler words.

I tend to find that I can set a camera rolling and talk the subject over and over. I can do it off camera, but as soon as the camera is on I am different and feel nervous. If I talk the subject over and over I start to relax. Start to get more natural, although sometimes I find that I prefer part of how I said it in once take, and the end of another which is where the hours of editing comes in!!! Although, sometimes it doesnt match as smoothly as I'd like!

I do try to take out as many umms and errrs in editing as I can. Does everyone else leave them in or just try not to say them, or do they take them out in editing?

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