Bit of a necro-post here but I didn’t want to start a new thread if I didn’t have to.
I am in Maine and intend to do a ‘tour of Maine’ trip next summer connecting all the “Scenic Byways” in the state.
I have a friend going with me for the whole trip (On his KTM690R) and may be joined by my father (on his Suzuki Boulevard) and brother (on his Yamaha V-Star 650) but if anyone else wanted to come along for part of it or all of it they are welcome to.
I am still working on the logistics (where to stay/camp, food destinations, fuel supply points, etc...) but I find planning/research to be part of the fun.
Planning for the summer is a good way to spend the winter.
If you want to see what the trip entails, just google “Maine Scenic Byways” and I’m sure you will find them. They include everything from the mountains to the forests and fields, from the ocean to lakes, rivers and streams.
There are a lot of great rides out there, you just have to look around.