Anyone Around Maine


Wannabie Member
Trying to get a group of vloggers that would like to ride some of the routes that are in the northern part of the u.s
Bit of a necro-post here but I didn’t want to start a new thread if I didn’t have to.

I am in Maine and intend to do a ‘tour of Maine’ trip next summer connecting all the “Scenic Byways” in the state.

I have a friend going with me for the whole trip (On his KTM690R) and may be joined by my father (on his Suzuki Boulevard) and brother (on his Yamaha V-Star 650) but if anyone else wanted to come along for part of it or all of it they are welcome to.

I am still working on the logistics (where to stay/camp, food destinations, fuel supply points, etc...) but I find planning/research to be part of the fun.

Planning for the summer is a good way to spend the winter.

If you want to see what the trip entails, just google “Maine Scenic Byways” and I’m sure you will find them. They include everything from the mountains to the forests and fields, from the ocean to lakes, rivers and streams.

There are a lot of great rides out there, you just have to look around.
There's a lot of good riding in Maine! I lived there for 7 years (Lewiston/Auburn and Augusta) and loved riding there. I've gone back a few times since I left but the Masshole traffic between Memorial Day and Labor Day is killer!
I lived in Maine for more than 30 years just off Route 1 in the Wiscasset area. I am very familiar with the traffic ;) .(Also know all the sneaky bypasses)
I used to work at ‘Sarah’s Cafe’ across route 1 from ‘Red’s Eats’.
I also worked at “Monkey C Monkey Do” as course staff and photographer for their first 3 years of operation.
Spent a lot of time watching cars very slowly drive by.

I work 10 months of the year these days at the University of Maine in Orono and only have about 8 weeks from the middle of June (11th and on this year) until the middle of August to bum around the state. Traffic/Crowding is guaranteed for most of it.

If you are interested in tagging along for any part of the ‘great state tour’ you are welcome to, just give me a heads up and I can make sure you are included in our plans.

The trip is being scheduled around a couple other “Adventures” so although we don’t know exactly when it will be, it will probably be either the week of June 18th, week of July 16th, or week of July 30th.
Sounds great! I have no idea if/when I'll be free next summer but I'll keep my eyes open for details.

I once had the idea of doing a "round the world" tour, riding through all of Maine's numerous towns named after other countries and their cities. But when I sat down to plan it there were just way too many to link together. :)
I'm a Mainer!! I live in York County down on the NH border. Feel free to hit me up anytime , I also have a few friends who are Vlogger's as well who live here that would love to tag along

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