Amazing moto gear in a crash


Remember to Have Fun! - Solar Bear 2020 Champion
Hey folks, I found this article of a motorofficer who went down in a slide. When looking at the photos from witnesses there is an under layer to the uniform under the ballistic vest that saved a lot of skin.

Anyone have any ideas on what this is? I was think kevlar woven?

And just in case the website does not come up in some parts of the world, here are screenshots from the article...


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The link doesn't work outside of the USA so I have removed it.

I imagine it is Kevlar of some sort, most of the urban bike kit now uses it, all my urban stuff does.
That would be great if it is really Kevlar that is worn under clothing. Many folks who work in office environments cannot stroll in wearing jeans 5 days per week.

I imagine the slide was long given it wore through the outer layer, then the second black layer, then just a little of the last blue layer of clothing.

I found an article that the Anaheim, CA PD bought all kevlar blended uniforms but those were an outer layer only. This looks a bit different.
I think I found something.

A company named Endo Gear makes an underlayer that is 96% Kevlar and 4% Lycra. But they only show pants on their website. We who have crashed before know our top half needs protection too.

Anyone else know of anything?
Their "Motor Duty" shirts like that do have some kind of crash and abrasion protection, but I haven't seen what they use. Their Mesh jackets do for sure have Kevlar though.
A company called Shark makes a similar kevlar undershirt, otherwise I didn't see anything about an issue under layer.

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