80cc Big bore kits?

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as everyone said, don't bother boreing it. If you're stopped and they somehow figure out it's bored you could get into a lot of trouble. not sure how it works there, but here in France they seize your vehicule and force you to fix it all (including the restrictions) so definatly not work it.
AZZ3R said:
P.s tell us where your where your doing work for people on their motorcycle. So we can avoid it.

CurlyBlakey said:
ToySoldier, remind me to never visit you should you ever make a living out of being a mechanic, my engine would get covered in all the **** that comes out of your mouth.

I third this.

Chessecake94 said:
Everyone feel free to correct me on this but if the details on the registration documents are wrong then that's techincally no tax, no insurance, invalid licence, fraud.

Yeah, this is the case. The registration documents show the engine size, although I do believe you can tell someone that you've changed it and (for a cost) get the documents changed to reflect this.
sstimmyy said:
....and then too close to the curb whilst directly behind slow moving traffic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKo3-WgC ... redirect=1

This one well got me laughing, What a total idiot, he wrote a comment a bit further down saying "Yes but i've never been caught and I wouldn't post a video of me breaking the limit ;) lol, Good bit of justification though." Haha what a total pillock, you don't need to post a video of you breaking the 'speed' limit. You just made yourself a target by pulling wheelies in a public car park. And pulling a wheelie on public roads. Which is instead of breaking the 'speed' limit, Your breaking the LAW.

On here there was a thread, which quite recently a guy was pulled for posting his stunts on his YT account. Ended up in prision, lost his bike, his licence & quite possibly his job.

But don't fear there is always need for more rip off bike mechanics like yourself around to save the day :)

Get some gear, & stop riding like a total idiot or do the road saftey a favour and get rid of your bike.
lmao at 16 your aloud to ride a 50cc that can not do more then 30mph so if it can go faster then 30mph you are breaking the law.

me saying its good to bore a bike out how does this mean im a crap mechanic i need to be avoided i dident say im the best mechanic but a bore is easy to fit like chaning a tyre a wheel break pads simple as anything

if i was into bike for speed do you really thing i would be rideing a dt125 id be on a rs or mito or be one of these im geting a r6 when i pass my test no im geting drz 400 because i dont want speed i want a fun bike that i can go anywer on on/offroad

yes i practis wheeling yes i have fliped a bike that is what i find fun ask any stunter why they stunt they enjoy it they dont enjoy beeing a goodie boy and allways keeping the front wheel down

when i fliped my bike i said if there was people on the paverment i wouldent of tryed as my bike is loud and even louder when cluch it up.

some people on hear thing wheeling is hard its not its easy people on hear are to much of goodie boys probley thinking im a crap rider im a bad name to riders i dont ever wear gear you allso probly thing im a chav because i cant spell

what it is simply is most of you on hear dont know shit to be fair a few of you im subed to and i like and some outhers when i watch your videos u ride like a granny
I personally have nothing against wheelies, if they're done in a safe place, but public car park => kids can run out or a car could appear from nowhere. and on the road, Imagine you're bike had kept going instead of falling over, I've seen more than one bike have a big burst of gas as the rider tried to keep hold. It could have hit the car, or gone over to the opposite side of the road.

I've tried doing wheelies (before I got the camera so sorry no failed attempt shots) but it was on private property. and I've seen other vloggers doing it offroad on the flat where there isn't a remote chance of hurting anything.

Allso, here in France there are allso multiple events where people race or do wheelies they're on a stretch of road which allmost seems designed for it, and it's at night when all is shut or on sundays.

It's just daft to do that sort of thing where others are around.

just Ride safe.
AZZ3R said:
sstimmyy said:
....and then too close to the curb whilst directly behind slow moving traffic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKo3-WgC ... redirect=1

This one well got me laughing, What a total idiot, he wrote a comment a bit further down saying "Yes but i've never been caught and I wouldn't post a video of me breaking the limit ;) lol, Good bit of justification though." Haha what a total pillock, you don't need to post a video of you breaking the 'speed' limit. You just made yourself a target by pulling wheelies in a public car park. And pulling a wheelie on public roads. Which is instead of breaking the 'speed' limit, Your breaking the LAW.

speeding is breaking the law speeding is 3 points wheeling is a section 59 if you check the car park was shut there was cars down the outher end of the car park not the end i was wheeling down to so if i did crash or flip the only damage would be to me and not them

On here there was a thread, which quite recently a guy was pulled for posting his stunts on his YT account. Ended up in prision, lost his bike, his licence & quite possibly his job.

But don't fear there is always need for more rip off bike mechanics like yourself around to save the day :)

what makes you think im a rip of bike mechanic as im a trainy mechainc i dont charge people for the work i do i do it as i enjoy doing it i give away my 2 stroke oil my tyres my parts if it means somone can get back onto the road ill happly rip my bike apart if somoen needs some info on it ill happly ride 15 miles to get somone a part that they need for they bike out of the kindness of my heart

Get some gear, & stop riding like a total idiot or do the road saftey a favour and get rid of your bike.
i have full gear now u have neaver seen me ride my youtube videos some of them show me rideing like a mug normally when im with people as i allways have to try and keep up and and road safty a favour shut up
Guys, I think it should be left at that. This is a very good natured and helpful forum, if there is a difference of opinion then that is fine, but IMHO this is starting to go a bit too far.
Mikesmotorbike said:
I personally have nothing against wheelies, if they're done in a safe place, but public car park => kids can run out or a car could appear from nowhere. and on the road, Imagine you're bike had kept going instead of falling over, I've seen more than one bike have a big burst of gas as the rider tried to keep hold. It could have hit the car, or gone over to the opposite side of the road.

I've tried doing wheelies (before I got the camera so sorry no failed attempt shots) but it was on private property. and I've seen other vloggers doing it offroad on the flat where there isn't a remote chance of hurting anything.

Allso, here in France there are allso multiple events where people race or do wheelies they're on a stretch of road which allmost seems designed for it, and it's at night when all is shut or on sundays.

It's just daft to do that sort of thing where others are around.

just Ride safe.

the car park isent open 3 sides of it are brick walls and there are no cars down that end yes the one on the road was stupid we have all gatherd that normally when i practis i practis at a privert wastlands with a huge concreted flat part with the owner on his bike
ToySoldier said:
Mikesmotorbike said:
I personally have nothing against wheelies, if they're done in a safe place, but public car park => kids can run out or a car could appear from nowhere. and on the road, Imagine you're bike had kept going instead of falling over, I've seen more than one bike have a big burst of gas as the rider tried to keep hold. It could have hit the car, or gone over to the opposite side of the road.

I've tried doing wheelies (before I got the camera so sorry no failed attempt shots) but it was on private property. and I've seen other vloggers doing it offroad on the flat where there isn't a remote chance of hurting anything.

Allso, here in France there are allso multiple events where people race or do wheelies they're on a stretch of road which allmost seems designed for it, and it's at night when all is shut or on sundays.

It's just daft to do that sort of thing where others are around.

just Ride safe.

the car park isent open 3 sides of it are brick walls and there are no cars down that end yes the one on the road was stupid we have all gatherd that normally when i practis i practis at a privert wastlands with a huge concreted flat part with the owner on his bike

even so, probably not the best idea. Either way, hopefully you won't do it again. because tbh even if people see you doing it at the bottom of a car park even if it is totally safe they'll still thiink "god they're all dicks"

but as he said, let's just all leave it at that.
ToySoldier said:
im geting a r6 when i pass my test

ToySoldier said:
no im geting drz 400 because i dont want speed i want a fun bike that i can go anywer on on/offroad

Right, that made no sense whatso'ever. My 7y/o brother is sat here reading this and he asked what does that mean.

ToySoldier said:
yes i practis wheeling yes i have fliped a bike that is what i find fun ask any stunter why they stunt they enjoy it they dont enjoy beeing a goodie boy and allways keeping the front wheel down

Thats because it's ilegal to do it unless your on your own land. (which I don't think you own sainsburys car park, I could be wrong)

ToySoldier said:
when i fliped my bike i said if there was people on the paverment i wouldent of tryed
Well at least you thought of the pedestrains & not yourself :?

ToySoldier said:
loud and even louder when cluch it up.
My bikes loud, doesn't mean I'm going to ride it in a unsafe mannor.

ToySoldier said:
some people on hear thing wheeling is hard its not its easy people on hear are to much of goodie boys probley thinking im a crap rider im a bad name to riders i dont ever wear gear you allso probly thing im a chav because i cant spell

I don't think I've seen a topic on here of someone asking how to wheelie, I also don't think I've seen anyone on here that has uploaded a wheelie. (unless it has been sucsessfull & controlled)

ToySoldier said:
what it is simply is most of you on hear dont know shit to be fair
Awww, don't swear, or we'll have to send you to the naughty corner. I think a giraffe would know more than you TBH. (btw if you don't know what that is, it's the animal with the weary wong neck.

ToySoldier said:
afew of you im subed to and i like and some outhers when i watch your videos u ride like a granny

Thanks, at least I know I won't be in hospital watching my next video, & I have my fair share of fun I just don't post it.

BTW the word you got wrong on so many times is, HERE. Have a nice day :D
AZZ3R said:
ToySoldier said:
im geting a r6 when i pass my test

ToySoldier said:
no im geting drz 400 because i dont want speed i want a fun bike that i can go anywer on on/offroad

Right, that made no sense whatso'ever. My 7y/o brother is sat here reading this and he asked what does that mean.

ToySoldier said:
yes i practis wheeling yes i have fliped a bike that is what i find fun ask any stunter why they stunt they enjoy it they dont enjoy beeing a goodie boy and allways keeping the front wheel down

Thats because it's ilegal to do it unless your on your own land. (which I don't think you own sainsburys car park, I could be wrong)

ToySoldier said:
when i fliped my bike i said if there was people on the paverment i wouldent of tryed
Well at least you thought of the pedestrains & not yourself :?

ToySoldier said:
loud and even louder when cluch it up.
My bikes loud, doesn't mean I'm going to ride it in a unsafe mannor.

ToySoldier said:
some people on hear thing wheeling is hard its not its easy people on hear are to much of goodie boys probley thinking im a crap rider im a bad name to riders i dont ever wear gear you allso probly thing im a chav because i cant spell

I don't think I've seen a topic on here of someone asking how to wheelie, I also don't think I've seen anyone on here that has uploaded a wheelie. (unless it has been sucsessfull & controlled)

ToySoldier said:
what it is simply is most of you on hear dont know shit to be fair
Awww, don't swear, or we'll have to send you to the naughty corner. I think a giraffe would know more than you TBH. (btw if you don't know what that is, it's the animal with the weary wong neck.

ToySoldier said:
afew of you im subed to and i like and some outhers when i watch your videos u ride like a granny

Thanks, at least I know I won't be in hospital watching my next video, & I have my fair share of fun I just don't post it.

BTW the word you got wrong on so many times is, HERE. Have a nice day :D

if i was into bike for speed do you really thing i would be rideing a dt125 id be on a rs or mito or be one of these (people) im geting a r6 when i pass my test (but im not) im geting drz 400 because i dont want speed i want a fun bike that i can go anywer on on/offroad

that should make more sense

i dont own the car park but i know the people that work in there and they said aslong as i do it when there shut they dont mind if i damage a car i pay for it to get fixed and i agreed i have had police come down to see whats going on and said ok this is fine as is not public land its privertly owned

and you said "I have my fair share of fun I just don't post it." see i like posting my fun and this seems to make me a bad person most of my stupidness videos are the worsed that i have done i have only fliped my bike onces i have neaver crashed my bike i have neaver really had a close call mabye just once or twise in the year and a half i have been rideing because i cant spell and have pants gramma its makeing me out to be a chavie kid who knows nothing and is a danger to all on the road and byfar that is not the case i cant spell for anything but for the most part am a sencibul rider when i commute to college or going by myself its when im with people i ride like a tool and that is because they ride like tools
I think a MOD should delete this thread, Josh has found out his answer and has chosen what he wants to do.

It would be easier to have a conversation underwater than it is to understand half of what you type, do yourself a favour and don't post again on this topic, please.
i will post 1 last thing and that sorry to josh for what happend to his thread second sorry for saying S***

mabey one day we will meet and u will see im not the moronic no gear wearing chav that i make myself sound like and you will see im no danger to the road
sstimmyy said:
CurlyBlakey said:
There is no suitable smiley for this situation. Dammit.

I like :mrgreen: just because he lightens up the mood with his big cheesey grin

I did think :? might be suitable for a while, but it kinda makes out i don't understand
CurlyBlakey said:
sstimmyy said:
CurlyBlakey said:
There is no suitable smiley for this situation. Dammit.

I like :mrgreen: just because he lightens up the mood with his big cheesey grin

I did think :? might be suitable for a while, but it kinda makes out i don't understand

Yeh, maybe :roll: would be a better choice?
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