sstimmyy said:
....and then too close to the curb whilst directly behind slow moving traffic. ... redirect=1
This one well got me laughing, What a total idiot, he wrote a comment a bit further down saying "
Yes but i've never been caught and I wouldn't post a video of me breaking the limit
lol, Good bit of justification though." Haha what a total pillock, you don't need to post a video of you breaking the 'speed' limit. You just made yourself a target by pulling wheelies in a public car park. And pulling a wheelie on public roads. Which is instead of breaking the 'speed' limit, Your breaking the LAW.
speeding is breaking the law speeding is 3 points wheeling is a section 59 if you check the car park was shut there was cars down the outher end of the car park not the end i was wheeling down to so if i did crash or flip the only damage would be to me and not them
On here there was a thread, which quite recently a guy was pulled for posting his stunts on his YT account. Ended up in prision, lost his bike, his licence & quite possibly his job.
But don't fear there is always need for more rip off bike mechanics like yourself around to save the day
what makes you think im a rip of bike mechanic as im a trainy mechainc i dont charge people for the work i do i do it as i enjoy doing it i give away my 2 stroke oil my tyres my parts if it means somone can get back onto the road ill happly rip my bike apart if somoen needs some info on it ill happly ride 15 miles to get somone a part that they need for they bike out of the kindness of my heart
Get some gear, & stop riding like a total idiot or do the road saftey a favour and get rid of your bike.
i have full gear now u have neaver seen me ride my youtube videos some of them show me rideing like a mug normally when im with people as i allways have to try and keep up and and road safty a favour shut up