80cc Big bore kits?

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josh94zz said:
What is fronting? i havent heard of it before :)

Friz already explained above. Fronting is where you are on sombody elses insurance as an additional rider but you use the bike more often than they do. Therefore, in your case, if you cover more miles than your dad on you scooter then you are breaking the law and could face a jail sentence, you are not abiding by the insurance policy and are therfore not insured!

Insurance for a 50cc moped shouldnt be too bad, as you got the ped for free you may as well go for plain old third party. Like sombody else pointed out it will get your no claims higher sooner for when you want a bigger bike and its not worth the potential penalties if you get caught fronting.
sstimmyy said:
josh94zz said:
What is fronting? i havent heard of it before :)

Friz already explained above. Fronting is where you are on sombody elses insurance as an additional rider but you use the bike more often than they do. Therefore, in your case, if you cover more miles than your dad on you scooter then you are breaking the law and could face a jail sentence, you are not abiding by the insurance policy and are therfore not insured!

Insurance for a 50cc moped shouldnt be too bad, as you got the ped for free you may as well go for plain old third party. Like sombody else pointed out it will get your no claims higher sooner for when you want a bigger bike and its not worth the potential penalties if you get caught fronting.

well i suppose that is fair enough i think i shall have to change some things with my insurance if i change it will i just have to tell them that i am the main rider and ill just have to pay more on top of what has already been payed or Will i lose what has already been payed As i payed in full and have to Get a whole new policy if you know :)?
You'll probably just have to pay a bit more. Depends on the company, they may need to start a new policy, in which case you should get a certain amount refunded anyway.
CurlyBlakey said:
You'll probably just have to pay a bit more. Depends on the company, they may need to start a new policy, in which case you should get a certain amount refunded anyway.
oh right thats alright then :D hopefully that is what will happen
Toysoldier, you're talking absolute balls.

Firstly, there is no automatic cbt and manual cbt. They're exactly the same thing. If you pass it on an automatic bike, you can ride a geared bike too.

Secondly, boreing a scooter out is a dreadful idea. I'm sorry, it just is. The people who look to buy scooters are the 16 year olds who can only have the 50s. Upping the engine to 80 will make it so much more difficult to sell, because the people who can buy and ride it would just get a 125.

Finally, I don't know what the police are like around yours but everywhere I've ever been before if you're doing something illegal then they'll do you for it. You can't just hope they won't because they're scared of paperwork.
Josh is 17, he can ride a 125, if he wants to bore it out thats his choice but as Friz said, it will only make it harder to sell. As long as he notifies the insurance of the mod he'll be insured.
Sorry Guys i dont mean to cause any arguements :) And i definatly dot plan on doing anything illegal so definatly getting the insurance changed :)
friz that is what i was told by 2 difrent cbt places i dident look into any more because i really did not give a crap

did you buy a 50cc bike when you wer 16 did it go 30mph and that was it if yes wow if no that is it you are not licenced to ride it and myself could not ride around at 30mph tops as it was to dangerous in london so i bored it. No one in london that i know or friends of friends buys a 50cc scooter and keeps it 50cc first call of duty is to bore the bike out change the carb put a difrent pipe on it so they sell easyer then standard 50s as it saves the person money and time buying the bore exhaust and geting it fited
ToySoldier said:
friz that is what i was told by 2 difrent cbt places i dident look into any more because i really did not give a crap

did you buy a 50cc bike when you wer 16 did it go 30mph and that was it if yes wow if no that is it you are not licenced to ride it and myself could not ride around at 30mph tops as it was to dangerous in london so i bored it. No one in london that i know or friends of friends buys a 50cc scooter and keeps it 50cc first call of duty is to bore the bike out change the carb put a difrent pipe on it so they sell easyer then standard 50s as it saves the person money and time buying the bore exhaust and geting it fited

Yup, 30mph mopeds are dangerous.

They're almost as dangerous as 30mph mopeds modded at home by amateur (and usually inexperienced) mechanics that are then capable of 20 mph more than they are designed to do, whilst being ridden by someone who's only been on two wheels for a tiny amount of time.

Sounds much safer to me.
Curly hits it bang on.

Ask trueroo who rides around on a 50 in less populated areas than london if you're finding life dangerous. She seems to have riding on a 50 licked.

Key thing being defend your road space. Stay out wide and quit hugging gutters, if you're fucking about near a kerb you'll get squished.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
peds are made then restricted normally by washers in the pipe small carb so on if you dericted them they go faster in my case and quite a few outher bikes u cant deristrict them without changeing the pipe and bore as the porting in the bores are smaller so to deristrict them u need to chnage the bore.

i am a trained mechanic and have allways had cars and bikes apart fixing them.

you say its not safe for 16 year olds to now be on a bike that can do 50mph as they are inexperienced what about a 17 year old learning on a 125 they are on a bike over twise the engeine size how is that safer?
ToySoldier said:
peds are made then restricted normally by washers in the pipe small carb so on if you dericted them they go faster in my case and quite a few outher bikes u cant deristrict them without changeing the pipe and bore as the porting in the bores are smaller so to deristrict them u need to chnage the bore.

i am a trained mechanic and have allways had cars and bikes apart fixing them.

you say its not safe for 16 year olds to now be on a bike that can do 50mph as they are inexperienced what about a 17 year old learning on a 125 they are on a bike over twise the engeine size how is that safer?

Believe me, you're rare.

We're talking about boring out here, i take the washer arguement because it is true, but in this case it does not apply.

At 16, you will certainly have only had the chance to have been riding for a short period of time. At 17, many people like i did have had the experience on a 50cc machine.

As for safety, you've answered your own question, they're fast enough to be part of the traffic AND they are designed to be going those speeds. It's always safer to use a machine within it's limits than right at the edge of them.
ToySoldier said:
peds are made then restricted normally by washers in the pipe small carb so on if you dericted them they go faster in my case and quite a few outher bikes u cant deristrict them without changeing the pipe and bore as the porting in the bores are smaller so to deristrict them u need to chnage the bore.

i am a trained mechanic and have allways had cars and bikes apart fixing them.

you say its not safe for 16 year olds to now be on a bike that can do 50mph as they are inexperienced what about a 17 year old learning on a 125 they are on a bike over twise the engeine size how is that safer?

Worng. I'm not going to get into an arguement with someone who can't spell 'other' correctly, 50cc bikes are not made "restricted" from manufacture atall.

The Goverment are hoping, that after maybe a year of road experiance. You to have grown up and act more mature on the public roads. Just because the bike has twi'c'e the engine size doesn't mean is safe or unsafe. My first 50cc bike (stock) would do 55mph, when I rode my friends CG125 (stock) it topped out around 60mph.

Speed is irrelevent here anyway, I'll make it plain and simple for you ToySolider, if you choose to break the law that is your own fault don't encourage others to do so, if you had any braincells to rub together you would help out another motorcyclist by, telling him the law of the power/output. If then he still makes the wrong decision & breaks the law it's not your fault.

Don't comment back on how they are restricted & don't comment back with a stupid answer about age and power.

16y/o = 50cc (no greater)
17y/o = 125cc (no greater)

Josh, don't bore it out keep it stock, replace/fix parts are broken ride it, sell it, buy a geared 125 or take your test.
Josh, don't bore it out keep it stock, replace/fix parts are broken ride it, sell it, buy a geared 125 or take your test.[/quote]

i am going to take yours and everyone else's advice and keep it as a50cc and just replace what needs replacing :) ITs easier and cheaper :) thanks
AZZ3R said:
ToySoldier said:
peds are made then restricted normally by washers in the pipe small carb so on if you dericted them they go faster in my case and quite a few outher bikes u cant deristrict them without changeing the pipe and bore as the porting in the bores are smaller so to deristrict them u need to chnage the bore.

i am a trained mechanic and have allways had cars and bikes apart fixing them.

you say its not safe for 16 year olds to now be on a bike that can do 50mph as they are inexperienced what about a 17 year old learning on a 125 they are on a bike over twise the engeine size how is that safer?

Worng. I'm not going to get into an arguement with someone who can't spell 'other' correctly, 50cc bikes are not made "restricted" from manufacture atall.

The Goverment are hoping, that after maybe a year of road experiance. You to have grown up and act more mature on the public roads. Just because the bike has twi'c'e the engine size doesn't mean is safe or unsafe. My first 50cc bike (stock) would do 55mph, when I rode my friends CG125 (stock) it topped out around 60mph.

Speed is irrelevent here anyway, I'll make it plain and simple for you ToySolider, if you choose to break the law that is your own fault don't encourage others to do so, if you had any braincells to rub together you would help out another motorcyclist by, telling him the law of the power/output. If then he still makes the wrong decision & breaks the law it's not your fault.

Don't comment back on how they are restricted & don't comment back with a stupid answer about age and power.

16y/o = 50cc (no greater)
17y/o = 125cc (no greater)

Josh, don't bore it out keep it stock, replace/fix parts are broken ride it, sell it, buy a geared 125 or take your test.

i cant spell for crap and what if your 50 did 55mph you are breaking the law and your licecne and insureance become invalid at 16 you are aloud to ride a 50cc that can do 30mph that is it if it was faster you are breaking the law allready, josh is not 16 he is 17 so there is no point keeping it a 50 when you can get a bore for it out of the factory 50ss are restricted and you can get them de restricted so they can do over 30mph 2 stroke 50cc are easyer to de restrict and are fine without a bore 4 stroke 50cc need a bore to give it a decent amout of power and speed
There is a distinct difference between un-restricting a moped and boring it out. A large number of people ride with unrestricted mopeds, I did. That was because I was regularly riding on a-roads and doing 30 on a 60mph road wasn't safe at all. However there is a difference between taking out a restrictor, something that has been added to the bike. And deliberately modifying your bike by altering the capacity in order to make it go faster. Besides like everyone one has all ready said, you would never sell it at 80cc. Everyone feel free to correct me on this but if the details on the registration documents are wrong then that's techincally no tax, no insurance, invalid licence, fraud.
ToySoldier said:
i cant spell for crap and what if your 50 did 55mph you are breaking the law

No I wasn't, The scooter was capable of reaching those speeds, just because you find most 50cc scooters state they are only capable of 30mph doesn't mean they are limited to it.

ToySoldier said:
josh is not 16 he is 17 so there is no point keeping it a 50

:o Realy? When did he say he turned 17 ? If you had read the previous or the start of the thread you would have known his age and reason for up bore & the reason behind why he isn't going to bore it. Yet you still are trying to argue the fact it would be better to bore it, because he wants 30more cc (around 5bhp).

No, as everyone & myself have already said, it would be harder to sell it and would be more trouble than its worth.

ToySoldier said:
50cc need a bore to give it a decent amout of power and speed

Motorcycling its just about speed, you might think it is but it's a good job we don't think like you do this would turn into a upgrade forum.

His decision has been made & the right choice has been selected. Enough on this de-restricting crap because clearly your copying what you have just seen on the internet. P.s tell us where your where your doing work for people on their motorcycle. So we can avoid it.

Chessecake94 said:
Everyone feel free to correct me on this but if the details on the registration documents are wrong then that's techincally no tax, no insurance, invalid licence, fraud.
I think thats correct, I'm sure they told us on that 'Emergancy Bikers' programme. I could be wrong on that one.
ToySoldier, remind me to never visit you should you ever make a living out of being a mechanic, my engine would get covered in all the **** that comes out of your mouth.

Josh has decided, and he's made the right choice, good on him.
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