ToySoldier said:
peds are made then restricted normally by washers in the pipe small carb so on if you dericted them they go faster in my case and quite a few outher bikes u cant deristrict them without changeing the pipe and bore as the porting in the bores are smaller so to deristrict them u need to chnage the bore.
i am a trained mechanic and have allways had cars and bikes apart fixing them.
you say its not safe for 16 year olds to now be on a bike that can do 50mph as they are inexperienced what about a 17 year old learning on a 125 they are on a bike over twise the engeine size how is that safer?
Worng. I'm not going to get into an arguement with someone who can't spell 'other' correctly, 50cc bikes are not made "restricted" from manufacture atall.
The Goverment are hoping, that after maybe a year of road experiance. You to have grown up and act more mature on the public roads. Just because the bike has twi'c'e the engine size doesn't mean is safe or unsafe. My first 50cc bike (stock) would do 55mph, when I rode my friends CG125 (stock) it topped out around 60mph.
Speed is irrelevent here anyway, I'll make it plain and simple for you ToySolider, if you choose to break the law that is your own fault don't encourage others to do so, if you had any braincells to rub together you would help out another motorcyclist by, telling him the law of the power/output. If then he still makes the wrong decision & breaks the law it's not your fault.
Don't comment back on how they are restricted & don't comment back with a stupid answer about age and power.
16y/o = 50cc (no greater)
17y/o = 125cc (no greater)
Josh, don't bore it out keep it stock, replace/fix parts are broken ride it, sell it, buy a geared 125 or take your test.