What is your next channel goal?

I find it’s about how you promote yourself. How do you draw and keep eyeballs on the screen. I just crossed over to 350 subs and hope to have 400 by the end of the year. I wishI could be as prolific as you, but I’m happy if I can produce 1-2 vids a month.

- Wolf
I just hit 400 subs which was much more than I ever thought I would hit lol. But like always still trying to find out what I want to lean toward on me next videos. I might take a week break. I have a ton of vids I did but never posted them. So might might just take the week to edit them. Hmm
I just hit 400 subs which was much more than I ever thought I would hit lol. But like always still trying to find out what I want to lean toward on me next videos. I might take a week break. I have a ton of vids I did but never posted them. So might might just take the week to edit them. Hmm

How do you find 400 subs Vs say 200? Starting to see more dedicated viewers? More engaging subs?
How do you find 400 subs Vs say 200? Starting to see more dedicated viewers? More engaging subs?
Yes still on avg though your only going to have a smaller % of subs watch compres to others especially if posting externally. But there is higher engagement in the comment areas and more of a support. More and more I can see the dedicated viewers commenting more.
In one month you've gotten more subs than I have in four months. I think you should be ecstatic with your channel's performance so far!

Oh, I am! I wasn't expecting more than 50, ever! Just interesting how the growth goes, or not. I'm a bit of a stats nerd!
I have 2 "projects" that are partially filmed, which i would love to start getting online.
For 1 i'm waiting for a part.
For the other i'm waiting for myself to be ready for it i'm guessing xD

Also working on a cohab, which would be great getting online. Need at least one more recording day.

And then an offsite market, let's call it that, that i am setting up.
Waiting for a package to arrive for quality check and then that can go "public" as while.

So, for me personally, some big goals.
For the viewers, probably not as big, but maybe fun to see.
My goal as I think about today is to put out consistent content that is decent for the first year. I am just getting started and am ready to put out videos 2 and 3 probably this weekend. I want to do something like 40 - 50 videos this first year and learn how to make my thumbnails more attractive. Hoping all this will result in more exposure and that the channel will grow some naturally.
I want to do something like 40 - 50 videos this first year and learn how to make my thumbnails more attractive.

One video per week (52 per year) was my initial goal too when I started out, although I've been uploading two videos per week for almost two months now as my backlog of footage was getting huge. I'm going back to one per week soon though, it's a better pace for me editing wise.

Now that I have a two camera setup I'm actually going to delete a lot of the pending footage I've accumulated and reshoot a bunch of motovlogs with the new setup. I could simply edit and upload the old stuff but I've decided to scrap it instead. I'm trying to improve my production values and I'm just not happy with the older footage anymore.
Now that I have a two camera setup I'm actually going to delete a lot of the pending footage I've accumulated and reshoot a bunch of motovlogs with the new setup. I could simply edit and upload the old stuff but I've decided to scrap it instead. I'm trying to improve my production values and I'm just not happy with the older footage anymore.

This is still something i need to do more consistently.
Some stuff/vlogs are recorded from work to home, or at the fly, so no secondary camera.
Really need to up my game there xD
I guess my first 10 subs would be a start, then I'll shoot for 100. I really need to get better at making thumbnails, and maybe preparing my topic a bit more. I'm currently editing some footage, and am tempted to just scrap it and call a do over.
My channel is still so new (less than 24 hours old) that I’m not even sure what I want it to be just yet. I think my goal at this stage is just to try and develop a routine that I can stick to and try to find my voice along the way.

My first video is more Vlog than Motovlog (I have an old pair of Pivothead Video Glasses that I put on under my helmet just to try out). I definitely want to change that - I ordered a replacement camera and mic (Osmo Action). Once that arrives and I get it setup, I’d like to post 8 videos over the next eight weeks.

I find that I do well with goal setting if I “babystep” my way along. So to start I want to keep it simple. Create consistency and learn along the way. If I wind up winning over a few subscribers I’ll consider that a major bonus.

Not necessarily related to my channel but I’d like to become more active in the motovlogger community. I feel like I know who many of the big names are but I want to actively seek out the smaller channels and become a regular commenter.

Its been about a month and a half and I think I've nailed the consistency goal. With the exception of this weeks goof (picked the wrong day in the scheduler) I've been pretty consistent with getting out content on the same day and time every week.

Shortly after posting the original message, I told myself that I wanted to do 8 Motovlogs in 8 weeks to prove to myself that I could be consistent. As of today I've posted 14 videos with 5 more scheduled. I feel very good about my current routine and can start looking forward to my next goal.

I'm shooting for 100 Subscribers - not for the fortune and fame but to get rid of the obnoxious new channel URL :D

I'm very happy with my progress so far. I have ~38 subscribers at this point and, more importantly, I have a tiny following that has been amazing at liking and commenting on new uploads. Having a strong community / subscriber base is much more important to me than volume - so I feel like this is the first baby-step toward that overall goal.
Its been about a month and a half and I think I've nailed the consistency goal. With the exception of this weeks goof (picked the wrong day in the scheduler) I've been pretty consistent with getting out content on the same day and time every week.

Shortly after posting the original message, I told myself that I wanted to do 8 Motovlogs in 8 weeks to prove to myself that I could be consistent. As of today I've posted 14 videos with 5 more scheduled. I feel very good about my current routine and can start looking forward to my next goal.

I'm shooting for 100 Subscribers - not for the fortune and fame but to get rid of the obnoxious new channel URL :D

I'm very happy with my progress so far. I have ~38 subscribers at this point and, more importantly, I have a tiny following that has been amazing at liking and commenting on new uploads. Having a strong community / subscriber base is much more important to me than volume - so I feel like this is the first baby-step toward that overall goal.
Consistency is key, and from what your saying your nailing that. 8 vids in 8 weeks is a good target.

Being able to multi record videos makes it easier I'm beginning to realise.
I have been thinking about a new channel goal...
And to be honest, not much i can think off...

Main thing is to keep enjoying myself. ;)
Maybe 1.5k subs, at some point.

And weirdly enough, a written review, published somewhere, with supporting youtube content linked. That might be the "short" term goal. Just as a trial and error experiment for the fun ;)

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