Anyone Doing A Track This Year?

The streets are my track. There is a go cart track a hour or 2 from my house that lets groms and supermotos on I wanted to check it out.
I don't have enough money to buy land and make a track. I assume that was your question.
Maybe next year I will have enough money to make a track.
Hmmm...I'm changing my FZ16 for a DRZ400SM soon. Might ask my friends to join me for a track day sometime in the middle of this year ah hah.
I'll be going to Brands probably next month but haven't booked a date yet.

I might be doing Brands but I'm not a massive fan of the indy to be honest. I might though as a couple of mates are going so might as well

Is that with No Limits?
No limits you get free time with an instructor, tea/coffee etc - Really laid back and run really really well! Kind of bike event, run by bikers

MSV is well run but you can tell its a commercial, cash cow for them and run as such but they are good!

Evening track days are very hit and miss to be honest. I wont do them as I find people are knackered, rushed and poorly prepared!

If its your first time. I'd say save up and do a day that you can take your time and learn the bike etc, then do an evening
Oh - I'm not saying evening ones are bad. Just the odd ones that I've done, I didn't really enjoy so prefer the all day events.
I am going to Almeria in the last week of October :D - will be sure to provide some good videos, maybe even some live streaming via Periscope! I extended my data volume roaming for that prupose ;)
soz for the necro posting.
Am hoping to do a few trackdays this year on the bike and hopefully in the car too. Brands is my closest circuit and now I no longer have a van is where I tend to head although have been on a few over the years at various circuits.

I like the Indy circuit at Brands as it is good for comparing bikes by timing the lap times. I much prefer the GP circuit though.

Gotta agree with how well No Limits trackdays are run, they are my preferred TDO although MSV run a tight ship too. I tend to avoid Focussed Events but when needs must and their chrono days (if they still run them) are quite useful.
I did a non-sportbike track day last year (check my channel for a video all about it) on my Honda PC800. I plan to take my Shadow to one this year, because why the hell not? :D

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