ZX-10 hits a trailer

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Wannabie Member
Or 'why not to ride in groups when you don't know the other riders, their skill levels or how they'll react' or 'where proper gear when motorcycling'...
Notice one of his shoes whizzing across the left of the screen! Apparently he got away with a broken arm and leg.

I actually cannot comprehend the silliness of this video.

In the description:

As I was slowing down he was still going fast and said he never saw the trailer.


It looks like he accelerated into it, given the speed he's seen travelling in the first few seconds and then later seen shooting off. Definite considerable speed increase.
apparently the guy that did the superman was a third rider that was behind the other two... he was racing up to catch up or pass or something...
I guess situational awareness was not his strong point.
I love how in the last slow-mo the guy looks like he's enjoying the air-time! Well he's got his arms in the air... that's always a good sign... hands in the pockets would have been less enjoyable! ;)
UnstableBoy said:
apparently the guy that did the superman was a third rider that was behind the other two... he was racing up to catch up or pass or something...
I guess situational awareness was not his strong point.

Ok, this makes a bit more sense but still.

How do you not see a trailer? :roll:
Probably too busy looking at the guy next to him in the cage on his phone.

How does the guy vIdeoing it manage to fall off?

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Stenno said:
You see parts of the smashed bike head for his path so I imagine he loses the back end.

I dont think he does lose it, hasnt the camera just fallen off partially. Theres no scrape etc. and you can see the wheel in the bottom of the frame, still the right way up.
Chessecake94 said:
Stenno said:
You see parts of the smashed bike head for his path so I imagine he loses the back end.

I dont think he does lose it, hasnt the camera just fallen off partially. Theres no scrape etc. and you can see the wheel in the bottom of the frame, still the right way up.

He comments 'His bike hit my rear wheel after he went flying.' which I assume is a response to crashing?
Wow. Poor f*cker. Not a nice thing to see, and not a thing to joke about. I know I wouldn't like if people were making jokes about it if I happened to upload a crash video. He made an error in judgment and was lucky he wasn't killed.
Omg that was shocking and disgusting!

Poor bloke, maybe he'll think twice next time before accelerating into a cloud of smoke?

(hope he's ok though :-0)
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