What's the scariest thing that's happened to you that wasn't a crash?

I watched my wife , on her bike in front of me, swing in front of a car that had their signal light on to turn right on a four lane street while she was turning left and the guy never turned. He came straight at her and hit the brakes barely missing her. It was early on in her riding career and my heart sank. I wondered " what have I gotten her into?"
Ding ding, we have a winner. It's one thing when it's your life on the line, whole 'nother when it's your wife. The memories I have of watching others is far more vivid than any memories I have of myself. No matter if I'm at fault I always feel guilty.
I watched my wife , on her bike in front of me, swing in front of a car that had their signal light on to turn right on a four lane street while she was turning left and the guy never turned. He came straight at her and hit the brakes barely missing her. It was early on in her riding career and my heart sank. I wondered " what have I gotten her into?"
That's not cool, and that would be my main worry in biking.. Other people in a group or duo ride and their safety.. Nothing you can do about it, and that lack of control is scary.
The actual accidents are the worst. I've been involved in a couple.

As far as otherwise scariest - was riding (a fair distance) behind a truck when a pile of gyprock (plasterboard) panels flew off the back. I managed to dodge that, would have been BAD otherwise.
Got to be when I missed a sign daying that the bend tightened. Ended up taking the bend on the cats eyes between the white lines. Ironic thing was not 5 seconds later there was a paramedic going the other way
Got to be when I missed a sign daying that the bend tightened. Ended up taking the bend on the cats eyes between the white lines. Ironic thing was not 5 seconds later there was a paramedic going the other way
Decreasing radius turns have to be one of the biggest causes of single vehicle crashes
The biggest cause of all crashes is rider / driver / operator error. The bend doesn't ambush you, people who are caught out by decreasing radius bends are usually not paying attention, don't know what to look for or don't have full control of their vehicle. :)
Every single vehicle crash I've had was preceded by me pushing my limits or doing something I knew was stupid! :P
Nothing too spicy for me, blown engine here, overcooked corner there... but the best one would be when I got hit by a football on my 125 back in the day, which still isn't very spicy now I think about it lol
The biggest cause of all crashes is rider / driver / operator error. The bend doesn't ambush you, people who are caught out by decreasing radius bends are usually not paying attention, don't know what to look for or don't have full control of their vehicle. :)
Yes you are correct, I guess I mean under that umbrella decreasing radius bends must encompass a majority of rider error accidents
I would have thought this thread would have way more responses and how did I miss this?

My most harrowing moment on a motorcycle that was not a crash would be riding down Route 3 in New Hampshire around Woodstock and a black bear stumbling out of the woods onto the road from the woods.

I skidded to a stop about ten feet from the animal and it looked me dead in the face. I though tto myself, well at least I have on a leather jacket and helmet, might be a little better protection if it gets pissed at how loud my bike is. But it just mossied across the street and down to the river that runs along Route 3 right there. Probably ooking for breakfast just like I was.

I was kicking myself for not having my Gopro on at the time. I had been camping up in the mountains, the temps were pretty low and all I could think of was getting somewhere that had hot coffee not considering I would see the coolest thing on that trip that morning.
I just remembered my scariest non-crash.

I fell asleep while riding once, with my missus as pillion.
Woke up thankfully (microsleep) but I STILL haven't heard the end of it.

Was diagnosed with sleep apnoea and now sleep with a CPAP machine and get proper rest as a result!
The left hand turner who drove in front of me would be the scariest. I avoid hitting him directly, but still crashed and woked up in the hospital. That would be the scariest except I barely remember it.

Last Fall on a highway I was going to move to the middle lane from the left one. I signaled, checked my mirrors, and shouldered checked as I was merging. I missed getting swiped by a passing cement truck by 1-2 feet. By all rights I should have crapped my pants because I knew I was dead if the timing was different.

That was a real teaching moment. A lot of us don’t get second chances.

- Wolf
I had a very similar experience with a bird one time. I also hit a woodchuck and it felt like running over a brick. Those guys are thick and tough!
Big Mouth. I criticized a guy at a fwy off-ramp for his illegal HOV lane change on the Fwy. He didn't cut me off, but i saw it and called him on it. He went mega-ton mad! Face bright red, wife scared to death of it, i thought i was gonna have to raise hands if he got out of the car. I kept thinking, "lead with the helmet if he charges" He never did get out, but damn, blowing him a kiss on the green light didn't smooth things out. we both went opposite directions, but i really think about my actions more.
I had a very similar experience with a bird one time. I also hit a woodchuck and it felt like running over a brick. Those guys are thick and tough!

My brother almost headbutted a bird of prey a couple of days ago when he was testriding for his first bike.
That was a got scare for me when i was behind him.

For him the scariest part was a bike later when the Ducati decided the front wheel didn't need to touch the tarmac. He almost shat himself xD
i've had two that where equal in my eyes as scary.

first was in 2013 when i was riding my 82 Magna in Groton CT. i took off aon a circuit ride on the backroads between groton and mystic. on the return i was at a stop sign that intersected a curve. while i was taking my time to see if anything was coming a guy in a F250 pulled up and laid on his horn. he then as I pulled forward he floored it around me and cut me off. so i gave hit a beep beep and moved on with my life. he did not and started brake checking and swerving so i could pass then when i did pass he road my rear wheel hard. all this doing 70+ on a 2 lane back road. finally we hit a row of business and thankfully there was a cop so he back off. that guy was so angry for god knows what and probably high to boot. now once he started the road rage shenangans i also got angry for a hot minute too, but realized that 498lbs of honda vs 7800lbs of ford wasnt going to end in my favor and i tried to book it. i had just go back on a motorcycle after almost 12 years and was not prepared for that.

the second was 2018 i was riding home from the shipyard. i usually ride the side roads from the shpyard to the HRBT (tunnel) so i dont sit in traffic and bake for 2 hrs. when i rode down the on ramp to the tunnel i saw a car following all my lane shifts no big deal ppl are giving me room and we are at speed. once we get in the tunnel i see the shift lanes in the tunnel to pull up closer no big deal i have a unique bike for the area. small black sedan 4 guys inside checking out the bike. my exit is the second after the tunnel so i pull off. they pull off i slow down to turn off left onto 4th view and they turn (its a beach town so no biggy right) when i stop at the Blvd to turn right theypull up close and three doors start to open. i see an opening in traffic and take it. they are far behind, then at the next light three start get out with the one on my side of the lane has a bat. fuck it i ran the red. and they followed. i kept up speed with traffic and led them over the the police dept. 2 miles down the road. no way i'm taking them past my house. they booked it. i'm not sure if they want to jack my bike or just beat my ass. never saw them before or their car. havent seen them since. i found out later on that it a popular way to steal motorcycles in hampton roads is to club the rider over the helmet so they are destracted and take the bike.

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