This Community Is The Best!

Toma Rider

Hailing from Japan
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone on this forum for accepting me in so easily :)
I've been a member of several forums over the years and almost all were becoming or were already completely toxic. But NOT here!
I've made a few threads this past month trying to generate discussion with you guys and you are all super friendly and active. I just want to say that I really appreciate that! It's not always so easy to get people to take you seriously and talk to you in a friendly manner over the internet. Cheers to continuing to have fun and support everyone's channels here!
What veal? In Japan? If it were me asking, I would definitely ask if you have indulged in their tentacle prawn. Ooops! LoL. Have fun! :)
My serious reply:

Glad to have you, I'm new here too and I've found that this place is definitely different.

I mean, I'm the guy that fights with everyone online.

Reddit? I fight with everyone
Pinballarcadefans? I fight with all the little entitled kids

Well...recently, I spend most of my days on Reddit, because of how varied the subs are, but most recently, I've spent most of my time on this forum, despite it's small size and stature, because people here...they just get it. I mean, it's clear that this forum is designed for us to give more than we get, and so I think it attracts people who are willing to do that, and those that don't tire of it and go by the wayside, as a result, while the active community may be rather small (I think I've noticed maybe 15 regular posters) but it seems rather tight knit and we can all come here and not only feed off of each other, but help each other be better at this craft.

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