Putting the Nasty in DyNasty
2.5k is nothing to scoff at either. Subscribers aint everything. If you enjoy what you do then keep doing it regardless of the outcome. I like how you put it dutch
10/10 reply.I think some of you have it backwards. Back in the 50's, the prevailing philosophy was "build the product, and it will sell". However in the modern marketing world, it is pretty well understood that you have to first establish a need among consumers, and only then you can design a product that best fills that need. If the goal is to sell the product (get views), you had best start by learning what the consumer wants (what will entertain them, or otherwise hold their attention).
Even within the realm of motovlogs, there are different niches in the market. Some are probably more saturated than others, and you are going to be limited in some ways by your personality. You can certainly learn to be a more interesting speaker over time, but your underlying personality is going to be somewhat fixed. Find a niche where your personality and style combine to entertain a target audience.
And if you don't care about views, just have fun.
Holy shit! You're a genius!just keep posting videos and using word of mouth
Just a tip with you being in Japan I think people would really like seeing the Japanese car scene. If you see modified cars show them off. People in America love how they modify cars in Japan. You guys have a very awesome car scene in Japan.
Thanks @RoadSprock !@Motorpsych all ready has some cool ass content already.. Scenery, fold up planes and strange polite gas stations
Thanks @RoadSprock !