So cameras should be included in atgatt?!?

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Wannabie Member
Should our cameras be part of our All The Gear All The Time routine? I think so...

I wasn't wearing my GoPro today as I'd no intention vlogging and what happens right in front of my face while I'm waiting at a roundabout? Yup, an accident - dual carriageway roundabout, two cars coming round - car in front is on the inside/nearside and takes it properly - car behind starts off ok, but then randomly moves to the right and sideswipes the car just in front of him. Dunno if he was looking at my bike and not paying attention or what, but I could've caught the whole thing on camera.
Nothing really worthy of merit happens on my commute, can't think of the last time something worthy of filming occured. Maybe if/when i ride in a more complex environment i could consider it.
CurlyBlakey said:
Nothing really worthy of merit happens on my commute, can't think of the last time something worthy of filming occured. Maybe if/when i ride in a more complex environment i could consider it.
That's because where you live, locals still use horse and cart :lol:

I always have my camera on, and once a week i go through and delete any not needed footage
Bikermole said:
CurlyBlakey said:
Nothing really worthy of merit happens on my commute, can't think of the last time something worthy of filming occured. Maybe if/when i ride in a more complex environment i could consider it.
That's because where you live, locals still use horse and cart :lol:

I always have my camera on, and once a week i go through and delete any not needed footage

Yup! :lol:
I wish I could do this, but find the weight and size of the camera distracting.

One thing every 2 or 3 months happens where I wish I had it on camera. Considering I do about 1000 miles a month, I don't consider it completely necessary.
I try to have mine on just in case anything happens then I have evidence of an accident not being my fault (aslong as it actually isnt my fault) but for more spirited rides I usually dont bother.
So commuting = yes
Spirited/meetups/bike specific rides = no
Ever since my wreck in April 2011 -every- ride I go on is recorded. Never again will someone pull a uturn in the middle of a blind corner and be able to play the wreck off as my fault. Fuck that. What tiny effort is required to pull that off is well worth the $1000 I lost in that deal.
In my opinion having a camera recording at all times is essential. My camera is, in my opinion, an essential part of safety equipment. Firstly, I find that car drivers act differently when they see a camera attached to your head. They seem to calm down and not drive as aggressively. Secondly, it helps you in the event of an accident. As well as this, it allows you to catch other motorists doing stupid things so you can post it on Youtube!

So yes, cameras should be included in ATGATT.
Mine isn't, it used to be but since I got a new job, most of my commuting is at night. So the camera can't pick much up anyway. Also most the road has a 50 limit on, which know one sticks too. (not that that's justification). So I don't want to film evidence against myself. Another reason I don't like wearing it all the time is it means I have to take a bag to store it in, because the pockets on my leathers are to small.
Mine is, you can't plan when something dodgy is going to happen so better record all the time. I wouldn't have my mic in all the time though.
I wear mine all the time for those "Gotcha!" moments that might come in handy should there be any incidents. Also as LeedsRider93 points out - they are visible to other road users plus wearing a highly coloured jacket they form part of my "defence" system. As Mikesmotorbike does the video is stored on a 1TB hard drive for a little while and then deleted.

Oh well - lesson well and truly learned today! The last time I didn't wear my camera an accident happened right in front of me. Today, with epic weather for this time of year (a record for Scotland) - I decided to go for a spirited ride and didn't take the camera. Guess what? Yup, car in front of me rear ended the car in front of it.

Unbelievable too - motorcyclists moan about not being seen, but this was a sunny day, five cars in a row all stopped in a single carriageway and the car in front braked too late and rammed the one in front. I think her kids were playing up and she wasn't paying attention :evil: Thankfully no-one was injured and I pulled over to give the victim my details incase he should need them.
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