Sharknation who was first?


Remember to Have Fun! - Solar Bear 2020 Champion
If you are shark nose fairing fan then you have seen folks talking online about the Indian Challenger copying the Harley Roadglide.

I am here to share neither of the companies were first to mount a shark nose fixed fairing to a bike to make a touring machine.

First, we have to go back to 1979 and find Harley-Davidson putting out the Tour Glide. It was a fixed fairing beast that ran in production to 1996 before the name went to Road Glide in 1998.

Now we step back in time further and find Honda working with Vetter to develop the first Goldwing as a touring machine. The year was 1974!

Read about that historic occasion here: pages/GL1000-story-P1.html

So debate is settled. H-D fans pointing at the Challenger need to thank Honda and Vetter for starting the trend. Also, sing the Goldwing remained around for the last 40+ years and the Tourglide had a break before changing names and took another break in 2014 - then the Wing is king of fixed fairing touring bikes in the US.

Sorry Harley and the rest...

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