Ride Outs Posted On Motovlog


All members are welcome to advertise and organise ride outs and meets here on Motovlog.com.

Please note that the ride outs are organised by an individual, and NOT the forum, and as such, there are no predetermined rules on how that ride out will be conducted, and Motovlog.com can not, and will not be held responsible for the conduct of people on a ride, nor will Motovlog.com be involved in any disputes or disagreements that arise on a ride.

First rule of any riding is ride your own ride, be it group or solo riding. If you are not happy with the pace of the group, then leave the ride, but tell someone else on the ride that you are leaving so they know.

If you want tips on how to ride in a ride out, search the internet. I personally favour the 2nd man drop off with a tail-end charlie method, others just wait at the next turn until they regroup. Up to you how you organise your ride though, just please keep safety of others as well as yourself in mind.

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