Site owner, lovely and adorable
Some like the post your video rules, some don't, I can't please everyone
I'm going to be testing the ability to add promoted videos in the alerts function for well, promoted videos and maybe even competitions etc.
You can still get to the alerted video thread by clicking the link underneath the video etc, like below
I'm still thinking how I can use this. I love helping you guys get more exposure to your videos but I'll be honest, a lot of videos are pretty same old, hence the promoted section etc. Also, a handful of people only sign up here to promote their videos, which is cool I get that but the forum doesn't survive without the community so post limits etc is very much needed
You will see something like below. I don't send many alerts really, plus alerts are less intrusive than emails etc so trying to find middle ground.
Clearly I'll use this on 'top poster' winners going forwards
I'm going to be testing the ability to add promoted videos in the alerts function for well, promoted videos and maybe even competitions etc.
You can still get to the alerted video thread by clicking the link underneath the video etc, like below
I'm still thinking how I can use this. I love helping you guys get more exposure to your videos but I'll be honest, a lot of videos are pretty same old, hence the promoted section etc. Also, a handful of people only sign up here to promote their videos, which is cool I get that but the forum doesn't survive without the community so post limits etc is very much needed
You will see something like below. I don't send many alerts really, plus alerts are less intrusive than emails etc so trying to find middle ground.
Clearly I'll use this on 'top poster' winners going forwards