New Bike - badboy cx 50 - first impressions/challenges

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Wannabie Member
I started rambling on about this on Facebook and realized I'd rather just start a thread about it here, as I have quite a bit to say about it, apparently. Vlog will probably follow later, if I get a chance to record one tomorrow:

Got the new scoot running and took it up and down the street today! Big thanks to dodgerider26 for helping get it semi-working. It definitely is going to need some TLC. And a new battery. And a carb cleaning.

I could tell it was restricted, too. The restriction was clearly kicking in long before rev limiter. So... that will be part of the restoration: removing all governors. It was like right when it would start to actually hit something of a powerband, it would knock the throttle back down. It was kinda lame. I know it's "just a 50cc..." but even I could tell it had more juice potential in it. It's only restricted to 35mph for legal classification reasons, not because it's limited for power. I am willing to bet that unrestricted, this thing could do an honest 50. Since I'll be taking roads to work where people do an average of 40mph, I would feel much safer if this was unrestricted.

Also, it has a heel/toe shifter. That was *REALLY* weird to get used to. You click down to shift up... It's like it's set up for GP shifting! lol I think I'm going to actually cut off the heel part, as it's useless. It must be designed for someone with bigger feet, because I can't reach it with my heel. I have to take my foot off the peg and press it down with my toes, which defeats the purpose. We'll see. I'll come up with something. The whole shift mechanism seems kinda messed up. Then again, this thing *has* been wrecked, so I'm not surprised.

So! The gas has been drained and fuel lines repaired and replaced as necessary. It has been successfully kickstarted after much sweating and muttering. It has also been rather unsuccessfully jumpstarted using dodgerider's KTM. That was when we discovered it *would* start (but definitely needs a new battery), but won't hold idle. And we couldn't find an idle screw anywhere on the carb. Research will be done. And a good carb cleaning.

Also, the handlebars are bent severely and will be replaced. I picked up a handlebar from an old 1988 Honda CRF100 from a coworker at work (I love working at a dealership). The plan is to install it upside down and backwards as makeshift clubman bars and turn this thing into a streetfighter/cafe racer.

Since the mirrors are long gone (who knows where, didn't come with the bike), they will be replaced with bar end mirrors. I was able to pick up a set (yes, a SET) of bar end mirrors for less than $50. That's some serious win right there.

Every single turn signal is broken, so those will be replaced. They could stand some replacing anyway. The stock ones (even when not broken) are oversized and an eyesore. I got a great deal on 4 aftermarket turn signals, so those are already on standby.

The tires are still in great shape, and they're just a basic 3.5-10, so that's easy enough to find. We have plenty of 10 inch scooter tires at work.

The brakes are essentially useless, I discovered. I am going to check on the pads and see what sort of shape they're in (may need replacing). I bet the lines have never been bled either, so that will also happen. It may just be that the lines need to be bled. I may look into aftermarket braided steel lines, too, if that doesn't turn out to be too much of a headache.

The tank is dented where the handlebars connected, on both sides (ergo, all four signals broken), but there is zero rust inside or out, so I'm not gonna bother with that. A new tank is silly expensive, even for a Taiwanese scooter.

All other lights work. Horn works. Kickstart works... with perseverance. Electric start works (when jumping the bike off another motorcycle). Motor turns over easily, and both top and bottom end seem to be in good shape. (It's just the carb that's making this thing not start easily or hold idle... motor turns freely). Going to change the oil as part of the restore (obviously). Will pick up a battery at work on Tuesday. It takes a standard 4L-BS, just in case anyone else has one of these and was wondering. I believe we have those in stock, at least from Yuasa and/or WPS. I'll just go with whichever is cheaper. It's not like this thing is a big powerhouse, you know? lol

ANYway, enough rambling. I'm excited about this little bike project. This thing is going to make a great little commuter, since I live less than 5 miles from work. It will also be a fun scoot to putt around on just for fun around the neighborhood. And it will give me peace of mind having a backup short-range transportation, should I need to do more maintenance on my KLX. As long as I can get to the grocery store and to work, I WON'T STARVE. Hehe...

I'll post the walkaround video here when I finish it.
Thanks! I figure I should do a quick update:

The carb is still an anomaly. Tinkering will be happening.

I found a reputable supplier (thanks to a friendly scooter forum!) that sells kits to convert these semi-auto clutches into full manual clutches. Wheelies, anyone? 8-)

The only other hurdle (besides the carb not idling) is the shock. Front forks aren't *too* bad, but the rear shock is shot. This bike was NOT designed with the average Overweight North American Male in mind, let's just say... Finding a rebuilt kit for that could prove difficult. It's certainly rideable as is, but it could get squirrely on corners, and wheelies and potholes are out of the question.

*rubs hands together mischievously*

This is a blast. I get to "customize" this thing. I love when I'm "forced" to get creative with solutions. It's usually full of win. And zip ties.


Oh, and I wasn't kidding about always wanting one of these. I stumbled upon this when going through my old photos on Facebook. Notice the post date:

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