Wannabie Member
My first filtering!
Hey guys check out my first baby steps at filtering here;
I know it needs polishing up and I've cut out the worst examples! :? but I hope you enjoy none the less - forgive the music selection - iMovie doesnt have the greatest selection and I didnt fancy the minefield of infringing copywright stuff!
I wasnt originally going to post up a video of just filtering but I watched Blahdeblahs52's video on filtering for noobs..................I'm just waffling now so I'll shut up and let you watch the vid!
Hey guys check out my first baby steps at filtering here;
I know it needs polishing up and I've cut out the worst examples! :? but I hope you enjoy none the less - forgive the music selection - iMovie doesnt have the greatest selection and I didnt fancy the minefield of infringing copywright stuff!
I wasnt originally going to post up a video of just filtering but I watched Blahdeblahs52's video on filtering for noobs..................I'm just waffling now so I'll shut up and let you watch the vid!