Motovlogging Field Guide


L Plate Member
As new members join this group there are always numerous questions regarding the technical, and craft side of creating a motovlog. A number of our members have posted and shared their own areas of expertise, but I'd like to suggest that we collect this information -- from post, YT clips to articles into a single field guide.

This could be archived here on this site, or even organized into an eBook for members to download. Whether this could be downloaded for a fee depends on any profit sharing arrangements and whether the material used has copyright assets -- music, images, etc. ... in it.

Obviously, he first step is to see if there is any interest in this idea.

- Wuf
A Motovlogging 101 book would be nice. I think that all it takes is one person willing to research and compile such a book and some effort to make it look nice.
However, I think it's nice that everyone posts threads when they have questions, because discussions happen. If it's just written in a book it's more or less set in stone and people might not be too inclined to ask about stuff if their situation doesn't apply to the book.

Regardless, anything acting as a FAQ of sorts would probably be helpfull regardless.
Aye, the point of a forum is to invite discussion so we should be encouraging questions (although I've seen it happen on other forums where the same questions are asked over and over again so sticky posts are handy for that as guides can be pinned to the top of the suitable subforum
Good points. My thoughts were to have a basic guide that a vlogger could access without having to come to the site. Not that wouldn't want to discourse questions, or discussions, but as new members join a lot of questions are repeated, or the answers were directly fouled. in a thread from months ago.

It could also be a good way to advertise the site because if the information is on a basic level, a reader could come to the site to find more answers, or to meet likeminded motovloggers.

- Wuf
Is this something you'd want to publish and sell? Or maybe like a PDF download or something? I think it could be cool for those who are really serious about motovlogging. However it seems most of the newbies are cheapskates looking for handouts so they'd probably just stick with YouTube videos and forums lol. I think motovlogging is something people way over complicate. It's just you on talking about your life while riding your bike.
I was thinking along the lines of an eBook with embed blogs from members. That would be tricky because the material can't have any copyrighted material like music, imagery, or video footage.

I'm not sure what copyright laws say regarding links to motovloggers with copyrighted material.

- Wuf

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