Grumpy Bear August

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Oooo yes now this is a topic I can get behind :P I call dibs on Frnaschoek Pass :D

My favorite road in the Western Cape, I mean, I wasn't there just yesterday or anything and my previous video was there as well :P
Ooh I'm looking forward to this one, I did have a favourite road, but after riding down to Sydney I may have to change my mind.. It's a hard knock life for a motovlogger xD
I might have to get on this one, I am sure it will not compare to the monster curves or inches away from death falling down the side of a mountain, but my favorite road has it's own charms.
I've got a few ideas but I'll have to wait till I get over a back injury before I can get out there and make a video. Here's hoping it's soon.
Maybe I can get some time and decent weather soon and make another video. I've started a new job and have been working to get the house ready to sell all while dealing with pop-up storms every day for the last three weeks. So not much time for riding.
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