First Track Day, Advice?


Become one with the Krustyness
Does anyone have any advice for a complete novice on the track?

Later this month I will be heading to Snetterton for my first track day. I'm excited, I can't wait. I'm taking my 1999 Yamaha XJR1300 which is not exactly a "sports bike". I'm just out there to have fun and improve my riding. This is the 3rd track day I've booked, on the first attempt my Triumph Broke down out of the blue on the way to the track. The second time It was cancelled due to Lockdown so I am itching to get on track now! Third time lucky? :D

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As Sera above, plus use the first few sessions to learn which way the track goes, then when you're comfortable use the first laps of a session to warm up your tyres before speeding up gradually.
and record it, and post in here your vid... be nice to have someone other than me filling this section up! :D
If at the time you are unable to post in here a vid, drop me a pm, will fix it for you! :-)
Thanks, If I have trouble posting I'll let you know. :) I'm going to experement with a few camera angles as I believe you can't have the camera on your person or the fuel tank.
If you have a friend who tracks alot, tag a long with him!

I wish I did! I'm going to be on my own, and during these socially distanced times its going to be a little more difficult to socialise with strangers. Still, it should be an awesome day. I've got a fewbutterflies in my stomache now! Its good to have something to be excited about.
Ahhh mate, bad luck, and maybe I was wrong about inappropriate bikes and trackdays being a good combo!

It was great fun, a bit like taking a spoon to a gunfight though compared to some of the kit there! I was suprised to see another XJR1300 running in the Intermediates on the same day as me and the guy even came to find me and say Hi and compare bikes.

More sporty tyres would have been the only thing I would have liked to change from the day as mine were slithering around quite a bit.

I'd love to go and do another one but It'l probably be next year now and on my old Yamaha FZR.
Wow, I really got away with it lightly! I wasn't even bruised and the damage was pretty minimal. The guy behind me on a blue GSXR did a great job avoiding flattening me too which was very apreciated! :)

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