

Wannabie Member
Jun 17, 2019
The Netherlands
I ride a
2008 Kawasaki ZX6R Special Edition
I got my first license while living in London in the 80's..the cone stuff was done with slow speeds..too slow for counterstearing...under the slow conditions u turned where you pointed the tire...same think when i took my license in california...all the cone stuff was done slowly...not fast enough for counterstearing

Here in holland we also do the cone stuff with fast and slow speeds, like we have the slow slalom, and 8 figure which is also at quite a slow speed. You still countersteer during those man. Especially with the slow slalom It is very clear you counter steer as you push the handlebar once you see the cone beneath your hand. (you look forward at the exit so you do this exersize with your peripheral vision)

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