Check local laws and where you are going to be riding on this topic


Remember to Have Fun! - Solar Bear 2020 Champion
Let's discuss personal protective gear but not the type you are thinking about.

I have been riding for decades. In that time I have come across all sorts of people from different walks of life and lifestyles.

About 20 years ago in a former career I was working 911 dispatch when a call came in about two motorcyclists that went down in the median of a highway. Both were likely injured. Ambulances and first responders were sent as well as local law enforcement and state since it is was a state highway and injuries were involved.

After the crash was worked one of the fire fighters came by dispatch. They had found a pistol on the ground at the scene. They were not sure if belonged to one of the riders or not. After checking the IDs it was discovered that the riders had permits to carry from the state they lived in and that state had reciprocity with where we were. So not a big deal other than the pistol got loose in the crash.

Flash forward and I am riding with a group of riders that had veterans in the group. Some would carry on their hip in a holster but keep it covered. They had permits. Again no big deal but I wondered about what side the pistol was on compared to the throttle.. Would they be able to draw with their right hand and fire while riding?

Going all the way back to when I was in the military police we were taught it was as important to be able to use your nondominante hand as the dominant because you were not always able to choose your firing position.


Anyway, I may or may not carry depending on a lot of factors. Even when I do carry I know that to use the the force continuum. Presence, verbal, soft hands, aggressive response, intermediate weapons, and lethal force only when all else has failed.

But today I had this come up in a video from my YouTube suggestions:


I will say his throttle hand will be good to go on running the bike but what is with that harness? Why so exposed and why so high? Dude has to be limber in that left arm!

One of the things I get a kick out of is open carry. If I was a bad guy of any competence then I would not hesitate to get the drop on this fellow and relieve him of his pistol before going on to rob him.

If he is carrying for protection against wildlife then any animal that thinks it can take this guy down is likely either faster and/or bigger so being able to draw and get a good sight on the charging animal is key to not getting trampled, chomped on, stomped on, clawed on, or otherwise be put in a world of hurt.

What can this guy do better? How would you carry if you were to carry?
I want a hobby...
"what sort of hobby?"
a dangerous one...
"Why not ride a motorcycle?"
more dangerous...
"add guns"

I quite like shooting, and guns, but am very glad they are not a thing in the UK, way too many idiots who should not even be allowed a knife and fork to eat with, let alone anything more dangerous over here!
I want a hobby...
"what sort of hobby?"
a dangerous one...
"Why not ride a motorcycle?"
more dangerous...
"add guns"

I quite like shooting, and guns, but am very glad they are not a thing in the UK, way too many idiots who should not even be allowed a knife and fork to eat with, let alone anything more dangerous over here!
Good point about the knife and fork.
To directly answer your question, hip holster would make most sense to me. On either side.
I have never had official weapons training, nor was I accepted to the conscription, or what ever is the correct term in English. I did think of getting a weapon as a hobby. I was thinking of doing something like "know your limits" type shooting with .22 on long range. Just something relatively cheap and challenging. But when I studied the weapons law we have here, I dropped the idea, because it's full of so much nonsense, that works against reason, in my opinion. The most annoying thing to me, that I can remember right away, was that I need to construct a hiding spot for the weapon, for storing the weapon. If I only have one gun/rifle, it does not have to be a gun safe, but twice a year someone of the governments officials would come and I would need to demonstrate them how I'm hiding the weapon. My first thought about that was, that in couple of years, several different people know where I hold a gun, registered to my name, and how to access it. Why in the world...?
....If he is carrying for protection against wildlife then any animal that thinks it can take this guy down is likely either faster and/or bigger so being able to draw and get a good sight on the charging animal is key to not getting trampled, chomped on, stomped on, clawed on, or otherwise be put in a world of hurt.

What can this guy do better? How would you carry if you were to carry?

Slight tangent, but Yuri Gagarin took a gun to space just in case he needed to shoot Bears....

I would have thought that a holster slightly lower and pointing a different direction would be easier to access than what he has in the picture. I really don't see how that is of any use except to advertise that he has a gun, in which case, surely a suitably painted Nerf thing would work just as well as a real gun.

....The Bears weren't in space btw, but he claimed it was entirely possible that his craft might have landed in the Urals, where there are lots of Bears.
Gonna hurt pretty bad if he goes over the bars and lands on his chest.

And carrying any firearm out in the open is supposed to act as a visual deterrent to any person with nefarious intentions. But the reality is if there is an issue, both parties now know where the weapon is located.

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