Always Wear Proper Gear -- Nsfw

Hahahaha true dat...though I have crashed with 30mph in a car against a streetlight and came out unscaved. I am protected by
I too can vouch for always waring gear, last year I was in my first MAJOR bike accident on the road.
An old guy pulled out on my while I was on a main roundabout into my local city, it was my right of way and it did end up as his fault. My bike was pretty gone and so was his car, I hit his driver side wheel and smashed the alloy off the vehicle, caved in his windscreen and took the passenger side Wheel Arch out! All I remember is my helmet hitting the windscreen and then nothing. My Stryker Vest saved my life as I rag dolled off the car and caught my bike with my chest. Only reason I came to my senses was because his wife tried to take off my helmet and I am sorry to say I kinda punched her because of the pain she caused me ( I do not promote hitting anyone by the way, as I think my actions were totally wrong but she did win me one week in a hospital in a neckbrace ). Thanks to my darling partner she too a lovely picture of my high as a kite state in QA Hospital!
image.jpg Worst week of my life! Yea that is me lol best looking MotoVlogger EVER!
Damn man, thats sketchy. Glad to hear you came out alive after that one!
Why I now promote safe riding and waring gear!
Wasn't really going that fast 36mph max of 40mph and he pulled out about 15ft from me at that speed. All I could think is weigh anchors and rev bomb scorpion systems save life's lol and scare old guys into stopping in your lane! All on cam but I was flagged by YT as graphic and violent odd because there are videos of teenagers killing pigs and lots of crash footage worse than mine!
I miss my Yammie!
Mom, I twisted my ankle. Oh wait, my foot broke off. Mom! Help!

Ankle covering boots, jackets, gloves and helmets people! Pants....well, sometimes!
I always wear all my gear, I like all my bits still attached. I am looking at upgrading from kevlar and textile gear to leathers for that extra bit of survivability.
Crazy.....after my boy went down and seen how bad road rush can look,I always at least wear my jacket and riding boots

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