2 stroke 125cc

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Wannabie Member
Hey Guys i already asked Lauriejennifer this question and she advised me to come ask Here so here goes
Do you guys know of any 125cc 2 stroke Supermoto/enduro Bikes that are Road legal as im tall Thats the style that would best suit me (6 foot 4 at 17) IF you do it would be a Great Help

Also i want to apologise for asking so many questions but not really giving anything back In the way of Help (i try) and videos which i cant do yet as my moped is Far too loud which im working on and i dont have a camera and i dont want anyone to think that im taking this for granted :) and not trying to give back :)

P.S Thanks You have been lots of help so far :D
A quick google would be very helpful to you, maybe "125cc 2 stroke off road motorcycles" would be a good start.

However, off my head, ToySoldier will know the most about this on here as he owns a 2 stroke 125cc yamaha, i'll leave it to him :)
CurlyBlakey said:
A quick google would be very helpful to you, maybe "125cc 2 stroke off road motorcycles" would be a good start.

However, off my head, ToySoldier will know the most about this on here as he owns a 2 stroke 125cc yamaha, i'll leave it to him :)

I tried Google But didnt really give me any good answers just kept coming up with BRand new bikes that i cant afford lol :) but thanks for the suggestion
Does it have to be 2 stroke? I really want someone here to buy the KTM Duke 125 to see what their opinions are..
JollyRoger said:
Does it have to be 2 stroke? I really want someone here to buy the KTM Duke 125 to see what their opinions are..
it doesnt particularly have to be a 2 stroke i would prefer 1 though But I do like The KTM Duke 125 However They are out of my price range by a fair bit Sadly :(
XD i haz a yamaha dt125 supermoto converted 2 stroke u can drop it as meany times as you want and will only ever break a leaver at most and a scratch or 2 lol

theres allso aprila rx 125 ktm exc 125 for newish one there both really quick but do need engine rebuilds more then the dt and parts cost alot more there are allso kawasaki kdx 125 mtx125 are older offroadie bikes and can be cheaper but dt's can be picked up quite cheap i payed £720 for mine that needed a small amout of work and its a 2002 with a good strong engine (if your intrested in the dt's sign up to dt125.co.uk all the info u could ever want on there)

on the 4 stroke part i personly dont think there are any good 4 stroke 125s that are road legal there are honda xr 125's yamaha xt 125 or wr 125 (expensiv thou)
this is a photo of my one

and a video of me droping it alot of times in the ice and snow
1.Are you mechainicly minded?
2.Would you like to strip & re-build an engine?

When you say your 50 is loud your 125 won't be any quiter or deeper pitched it will sound the same if not a higher pitch.
AZZ3R said:
1.Are you mechainicly minded?
2.Would you like to strip & re-build an engine?

When you say your 50 is loud your 125 won't be any quiter or deeper pitched it will sound the same if not a higher pitch.

Well my 50 is louder than most Other 50 and 125s although it never used to be my bike was on the receiving end of a andry person and now its super loud i have checked it over and it rides fine just not entirely sure where the sound is coming from and i like to say i am mechanically minded as im finishing a mechanics apprenticeship althought its vehicle fitting at the minute hopefully gonna move up to level 3 but i have had to put in a new piston, rings and barrel into my moped recently as the piston was cracked which isnt Really a rebuild but its the closest thing yet :)
If you are mechanicly minded get a 2T, if you think you will just ride it & go and put it in the garage everyday I'd suggest a 4T.

Most 2T will need a rebuild around 10k miles, or at least they should, people that take it to a mechanic don't know much about their bike they just get it fixed & ride it, nothing wrong with that but how do you know it's been done correctly or if atall?

A new piston, rings, barrel are the main focus on an engine rebuild for most 2T's. I did these on my RS along with rejetting the carb & balancing it. felt super smooth after doing it.

Keeping ontop of a 2T is always a good thing, I miss my RS braking down at 7am in the mornin yet I had to be in work for 8, tank was off, fuel lines where pulled out, choke cable disconnected, spark plug was somewhere. Man was fun, but learnt alot, if you enjoy doing it or will enjoy learning the inside out of it you will have alot of fun. Remember your 125 is a stepping stone for your 'bigger bikes', ride it, pass your test & ride untill you can get a bigger bike. (Unless you want to stay on a 125?)

Can I ask why you want a 'supermoto' not a 'sports 125'? surly you don't want to be at the back? ;)
AZZ3R said:

Can I ask why you want a 'supermoto' not a 'sports 125'? surly you don't want to be at the back? ;)

You can :D and its mainly because im tall im 6 foot 4 and Dont really know of many 125s that are a sports styled back that would Be ok for my size :) also i like that kind of style :D
I had an old KMX 125 that was suited for my 6'2" frame, and went like a rocket, it might not have been completely legal though..
My XTC 125 would carry a person your size. If you fancy the Ducati look. Also yeh shame about the duke being so expensive :(
JollyRoger said:
My XTC 125 would carry a person your size. If you fancy the Ducati look. Also yeh shame about the duke being so expensive :(
What are they like Reliability wise? because they do look nice and there is one on ebay (Just finished but didnt sell Ill message the guy) For £100 and apparently has nothing wrong with it so would that be a steal if it didnt have anything wrong with it?
Mixed things, mine was pretty much perfect during the time I had it, it didn't suffer from the water in the spark-plug problem! I managed to make a profit on mine when I sold it because they are in high demand, but £100 seems wayyy to dodgy to me!

The engine's are Suzuki 4 stroke ones though, so if you don't have bad electrics you should be fine. Was on hell of a learner bike though, I loved mine.
AZZ3R said:
Can I ask why you want a 'supermoto' not a 'sports 125'? surly you don't want to be at the back? ;)

lol dont know who you ride with with a sm but there doing it wrong and top speed is not evrything

the sach things are sopost to be good i know the older 2 stroke ones run the dt engine XD
ToySoldier said:
AZZ3R said:
Can I ask why you want a 'supermoto' not a 'sports 125'? surly you don't want to be at the back? ;)

lol dont know who you ride with with a sm but there doing it wrong and top speed is not evrything

I don't ride with any supermotos' I'm having to keep up chasing Milles', ZX6's, Fireblades around the countryside. & I know top speed isn't everything but a supermoto around twisties is boring I've done it, no fun whatso ever, & I live close to a major city so theres almost nowhere to take a dirt bike off road, unless I throw it on the back of the Landrover & take it up north.

I'd recomend a sports bike over a supermoto due to you can have more fun legaly on the roads.
AZZ3R said:
ToySoldier said:
AZZ3R said:
Can I ask why you want a 'supermoto' not a 'sports 125'? surly you don't want to be at the back? ;)

lol dont know who you ride with with a sm but there doing it wrong and top speed is not evrything

I don't ride with any supermotos' I'm having to keep up chasing Milles', ZX6's, Fireblades around the countryside. & I know top speed isn't everything but a supermoto around twisties is boring I've done it, no fun whatso ever, & I live close to a major city so theres almost nowhere to take a dirt bike off road, unless I throw it on the back of the Landrover & take it up north.

I'd recomend a sports bike over a supermoto due to you can have more fun legaly on the roads.

kinda open to debate that bit :P
i live in London think i live in a major city in trafic i can kill any other bike filtering on the sm iv had a race throw London with a cbr600 and fazer 600 from ace cafe to black wall tunnel just checked the its 15 miles they left me for crap on the first duel carriageway i caught up in the trafic then left them they then over took me about a miles before black wall on the duel carriageway.

about the twisties before i jacked it up i used to scrape my foot peg geting that low if i would of put i knee out i would of scraped that along the floor but dident have sliders so never did how is that boring all the people that i go college with or know with 125s they have rs's one has a mito a few have peds one has a bandit 1200 they all with they had supermotos after seeing what i put mine throw and it takes it and asks for more

on sport bikes you see a speed bump as a speedbump on a supermoto you see a speedbump as a ramp XD
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