
  1. Hippo-Drones

    Review Motorcycle Live - NEC Birmingham

    This is pretty much the best bike show in the UK. If you are UK based, do you plan on attending, if so when? :-) If you are outside the UK, what shows do you have that are worth your time and cash?
  2. Hippo-Drones

    Feedback Needed Motorcycle Live/nec Bike Show 2017

    Hey folks, am off to the NEC for the 2017 Motorcycle Live Bike Show this weekend. If there is anything you'd like me to specifically feature please drop a comment in my YouTube video comments section. I'll be checking the comments while I am at the show on Saturday so will try and feature any...
  3. Matt Leech

    Drift Ghost 4k Streaming - Using A Config File Instead Of The App

    I've made a useful discovery about the Ghost 4K: The cam has a live streaming function but to use it via the Driff app is a bit of a faff. Well last night while messing with the cam and the streaming services, I discovered that I can create a config file and put it on the cam's sd card. The...

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