Review Yamaha XT660R - Review


Semi-Suicidal Dutchie
So, i decided to test the blue "monster" and compare it to my white HondaXL600R.

This one is some time younger and that is noticeable.
Also allot more noisy ;)

Fun machine, that is for sure ;)
Funny how some of us have gotten used to gear indicators. What did we ever do before them? How memories fade...

Great review!
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Funny how some of us have gotten used to gear indicators. What did we ever do before them? How memories fade...

Great review!

To be honest, only the first bike 1 ever owned had a gear indicator.
Owned it for 3 months.
In all the years since i haven't owned a bike that had a gear indicator. (so about 8-9 years...)

It is memory muscle/training that keeps the records, or something like that ;)

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