Swearing - Good Or Bad?


So I have been really trying to keep my motovlogs G rated in case of having younger viewers, its also part of trying to not swear with having a clever little toddler who picks up lots of words and has repeated me a few times so far..oops.
Normally, I swear like a true blue Aussie, with at least one in each sentence lol.
I've recently did some footage where I swear a bit (did my first rant lol) and noticed in another video a few slipped out. I'm considering not editing it out in other videos as from what my audience has been, they are adults.
What's everyone's views on swearing in vids?
I'm not one who supports swearing without a cause. If someone uses swears just to spice up a sentence then it has no function and the power of swears is lost. Swearing in suitable scenarios only makes the words has more impact if the audience knows that you rarely swear otherwise.

But as far as audience and stuff goes, I don't care. I mean, they will be exposed to it regardless. You swearing like a true blue Aussie won't leave much of an impression. Not swearing at all might be more noteworthy.
I swear a fair bit in real life & I swear just as much in my vlogs, my view is that you are who you are, weather you swear or not, and the people watching are there for you (unless you put on a character), Kids swear just as much as anyone ;) & it's up to the parents of those kids to regulate what they watch. That's my view I don't have any kids in case that makes a difference.
I swear a fair bit in real life & I swear just as much in my vlogs, my view is that you are who you are, weather you swear or not, and the people watching are there for you (unless you put on a character), Kids swear just as much as anyone ;) & it's up to the parents of those kids to regulate what they watch. That's my view I don't have any kids in case that makes a difference.
Thats a good way of looking at it. Good point mate.
Personally, it gets old watching vloggers where the f-bomb is every other word, kinda strains the viewing. Thats my take.
I try not to swear much, but when i'm riding and things happen it just comes out! But it doesn't matter what others think really, it is YOUR vlog and YOUR channel, so do you! :)
you wouldn't like my videos then i cant stop my self doing it i try but i don't realize im doing it 90% of the time younger generations swear more its not considered offensive any more its just every day vocabulary
I swear less on camera than I do in the real world (whatever that is). I don't avoid swearing on camera, it just comes out that way if (when) I vlog. You might get the odd swear word in my randoms, although they're rare and I've got cartoon Lurch who pops on screen and bleeps it out. Partly because not everyone wants to hear the language, and partly because it amuses me having that comic bleep.

I guess think about your audience. I know I have a quite a few mature followers who prefer to see and hear less swearing about the place.
When you say "swearing" are you referring to real swearing/cursing at something/someone or just the use of "swear words"?

Some might say it's the same, but it really isn't all that similar.
If I were to say "Dude, your bike looks fucking cool and badass!", I am not cursing your bike, but yet I used a "swear word".
If I were to say "Dude, your bike fucking sucks donkey balls!", I am cursing with use of "swear word".

However you look at it, someone else might feel differently and say they're offended, or you're using offensive language.

With that being said, I don't swear regularly (I think), but probably use "swear word", and I don't care to edit them out. It's normal way I talk. People can choose to accept it or not, I don't mind either.

You can consider to *bleep* them instead of cutting them out if you wish. Or put an advisory at the beginning of your video.
Swear as much as you want, I just hate those channels that force themselves to not swear and will either start to say a swear word and end up saying something stupid like "fudge" or bleep it out. However, some channels are pretty good at naturally not cussing(walterific comes to mind). I had more to say but I forgot what it was :mad:
I swear in real life so I see no point in trying not to swear in my videos. That would just be unnatural
True, I found it much easier and comfortable while vlogging without trying to be aware of it. Will be leaving as is and seeing how it goes. Cheers.
I'm impartial to it. Like BBQ rider and others say. Your videos are about you as a person. Unless you want to make your channel about your alter ego that doesnt swear.

In my next video (unreleased yet) I realised I swore in almost every clip, but it was purely to an incident or action that caused me to swear. Generally I try not to swear as my GF doesn't like it :P
With the exception of a couple of videos I'm like a B-52 dropping f-bombs. There are people who take offense to swearing and will complain about it, but for the most part I don't care because I'm really not out to impress anyone with my vocabulary.
From watching my own videos I see when I get all excited I tend to swear a bit more than I do normally, but just can't help it sometimes. Just blurts out, although my own use is not meant for offence nor do I use certain words that are going around at the moment, which I feel are pretty disgusting. I don't mind hearing the swearing as it's kinda normal nowadays but as long as its just casually and not used for offensive reasons. Just my own view ofc ;)

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