General Storytelling intro, or straight to the "action"?


Semi-Suicidal Dutchie
I tried a story telling intro for a review.
Due to pc problems etc I ended up not using it in the Dutch review.
I wasn't planning to edit the English one anymore, but I really wanted to see if I could edit this intro and see how it works.
Do I like it, how is the retention rate, does it help improve the video etc.

Downside is I forgot the drive-by/b-roll so after the intro it becomes basic again.

Would you prefer a storytelling or cinematic intro or prefer to go straight in to the topic/action of the vlog or review?

I tried a story telling intro for a review.
Due to pc problems etc I ended up not using it in the Dutch review.
I wasn't planning to edit the English one anymore, but I really wanted to see if I could edit this intro and see how it works.
Do I like it, how is the retention rate, does it help improve the video etc.

Downside is I forgot the drive-by/b-roll so after the intro it becomes basic again.

Would you prefer a storytelling or cinematic intro or prefer to go straight in to the topic/action of the vlog or review?

So are you thinking about going back to using intros? I really did not notice an distinct intro on this video.

It is nice to have B-roll footage, but I don't know if it added much to this video as you had no context, no audio until you were on the bike. Maybe if you introduce the bike while standing by it and then show you riding off before switching to the helmet cam?
You could have a title placed over the opening of the video allowing the viewer to know the subject or topic of your motovlog. Add instrumental music with a good beat for cut points to introduce a rhythm for the video as well. Just a thought.

- Wolf
If I'm doing a more cinematic video, or have a particularly awesome shot or moment, that goes in the beginning as "the hook", otherwise, it's straight into my "welcome back to the channel" and i go into whatever topic i'm talking about.

That's my process, take it for what it's worth. [that and $3 will get you a cup of coffee]

Yeah, normally I jump in talking within the first 0.5 sec.
But people who click on a review might already be willing to spend some time to watch and thus a cinematicc shot or moment might be worth it.

Maybe the voice over tip is worth considering it the next time.
I find it interesting that intros are highly discouraged among us small time motovloggers, but the big time youtubers all use them, and quite lengthy ones at that. Hmm.
Yep, the pros always telling you to skip the branded intro thing, but then a lot of big MV channels do it.

I think it's a "General YT" versus "Motovlogger YT" thing - we do things differently and it works, or doesn't work, and it's all about what works for you. I've been experimenting with skipping the branded intro, making it a watermark during an opening screen, all that - but I haven't seen a difference. I do keep mine short though.

Bigger channels also already have a big army of subs that will watch regardless. And then they are being pushed by Youtube themselfs a bit as well.

But 80% of the people skip those intro's most of the time. Especially if they are more then 5 secs.
For a first timer it might be interesting to have a channel intro.

But a channel intro is different to a cinematic video intro of course ;)
If the intro is around 10 seconds or less, I can't see people bothering to skip it, it takes more time and effort to skip ahead without missing any content, than to just let it run.
With that said, longer intros for sure on youtube can and will be skipped by viewers. Especially if they have seen it before. there is one video channel I watch regularly that has a 30 second intro for every video. I automatically slide it forward every time now without even thinking about it.
I just had a new one made that was 18 seconds when they gave it to me for review. I had it cut down to 12 seconds to match the music which I edited into a loop that still has a beginning and an end. I can live with 12 seconds and it doesn't seem too long at all.
If the intro is around 10 seconds or less, I can't see people bothering to skip it, it takes more time and effort to skip ahead without missing any content, than to just let it run.
With that said, longer intros for sure on youtube can and will be skipped by viewers. Especially if they have seen it before. there is one video channel I watch regularly that has a 30 second intro for every video. I automatically slide it forward every time now without even thinking about it.
I just had a new one made that was 18 seconds when they gave it to me for review. I had it cut down to 12 seconds to match the music which I edited into a loop that still has a beginning and an end. I can live with 12 seconds and it doesn't seem too long at all.
I think @Meifesto is talking more about introducing the specific video, rather than the clip we tag onto the start of all our videos
Correct, what Hippo said.
Intro for channels I will skip if they are longer then 5 sec's (1 press on the arrow key ;) )
Good thing my "intro" is just my logo overlayed over the footage, for 4 seconds or less... and usually I try to incorporate it into the footage. For instance, a video I edited last night has me starting my bike. The logo appears and flickers to match the starter on my Harley, then the logo and bike settle into a nice idle/flash. It came out pretty good, and not much for a viewer to skip.

Good thing my "intro" is just my logo overlayed over the footage, for 4 seconds or less... and usually I try to incorporate it into the footage.

That's how I do it now too. I've pretty much eliminated my intro and its now just a logo & text overlay over the motovlog itself. I like it this way honestly. :cool:
Guess it’s a bit hit and miss and depends on the channel. I hate seeing 3 minutes of a video and then it rewinds back to the event and have to watch those 3 minutes again personally ‍

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