Guide Overfilled Motor Oil Dont Leak About It! Read On!!!


RedRider! Get up that hill bro!
Hey all sometimes we make silly mistakes like overfilling our motor oil - maybe you haven't got the knack for what your motorcycle oh so desires just yet, or measured right 'x'... Here's a tip on how to get rid of the excess without throwing your toys out of the pram!!
Hey all sometimes we make silly mistakes like overfilling our motor oil - maybe you haven't got the knack for what your motorcycle oh so desires just yet, or measured right 'x'... Here's a tip on how to get rid of the excess without throwing your toys out of the pram!!

As many years and oil changes I have done, I still occasionally overfill.

Learned something new about using the spray bottle sprayer to siphon it down. I used a hand pump siphon but the uber would not fit in all dipstick holes.

Thank you for sharing your method.

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