New Channel Banner


The bearded dude with a cool YouTube
I tried creating this with an app that supposedly has a premade template for YouTube banners. This is what I made but it's still way too large cuts out like 90% of the photo. What are some other softwares or app (for free) that I can use?

What are your thoughts on this, anything you'd change?
yt logo.jpg
You have to look at it on all platforms.

Also remember that recently YouTube changed its layout so many of these "pre made" things might not fit correctly.
I did mine using "The Gimp" and MS Paint, and then trial and error until I got an image that fit all the formats I care about on YouTube (mobile and PC). It was a bit of a pain but I got something I am happy with in the end. You may also want to see how it looks on your Facebook/Twitter accounts too before finalising an image so you can maintain a familiar branding across platforms.

Motorbikes are tough to use as they are not banner shape so are either too small in the centre or have the tops/bottoms sliced off.

YouTube banner size is as below:

Channel art looks different on desktop, mobile and TV displays – larger images may be cropped. For the best results on all devices, we recommend uploading one 2560 x 1440 px image.

  • Minimum dimension for upload: 2048 x 1152 px.
  • Minimum safe area for text and logos:1546 x 423 px. Larger images may get cropped on certain views or devices.
  • Maximum width: 2560 x 423 px. This means that the "safe area" is always visible regardless of screen size. The areas to each side of the channel art are visible or cropped depending on browser size.
  • File size: 4MB or smaller.
I have attached as a zip file the channel art template from YouTube which may help you (or may not).


I was thinking the while image would be scaled across all platforms, guess I figured wrong. I realized that you need to have the text pretty much centered horizontally and vertically to be seen on the mobile. I've got close to something I like still needs a little adjusting though
Check out Chaseontwowheels banner. On PC, you can see the extras like his schedule, but the main banner is formatted in a way where it's compact enough to fit on all platforms. I tried to mimmick that on my new banner, but got the font too large so it is bigger than mobile will display. I need to fix mine.
I haven't changed mine in like forever. I just used a sample and followed the guide/pixel as given, not that accurate so I ended up having to fine tune it a bit to appear more proper. I guess. :)
95% of viewers watch youtube on a computer. the other 4% on a tablet/phone. So these are the ones you want to optimise the most. The official youtube banner template is key! It will assist you in optimising all 3 platforms Youtube is viewed from. But like i said, only two really matter.
95% of viewers watch youtube on a computer. the other 4% on a tablet/phone. So these are the ones you want to optimise the most. The official youtube banner template is key! It will assist you in optimising all 3 platforms Youtube is viewed from. But like i said, only two really matter.
I think I'm getting it, just some fine tuning I still need to do :D. I appreciate the help though!
Hi, i changed the mine too, i used Adobe Illustrator with the 6 days free trial :p, it was easy to disign the banner, the difficult part was size it to the correct one, personally id add the "subscribe" "like" and share icons
Looking nice. Not sure I'm fan of the black and white but then again I don't think it would like right in colour. But that just me. Top job
Black and White is kinda my thang lol. I've yet to find a font color or texture that looks good with b&w photos. I hate using yellow or red, it looks very cheesy to me. Thank you for the compliment!

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