General My Harley Rewire Buyout Theory

Moto Mengy

Motovlogger from PA, USA
In this motovlog I talk about the Rewire plan which Harley Davidson has revealed so far, and why I feel it might be prepping H-D for a corporate buyout or merger down the road. Just my gut feeling on the moves they've been making lately.

Haven't watched this video =- YET - but will be. How is it going for views, hopefully performing well for you. Others onm this topic seem to draw higher than average views.
Thanks! I hope I'm wrong about the buyout but the decisions HD has been making are just screaming "buyout prep" to me.

It's doing fine for views, just a tad higher than my videos normally do but nothing absurd. I do like talking about Harley though as I really want them to turn things around. In my heart I'm still a Harley rider, they just don't make a bike which tempts me anymore. :(

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