

Remember to Have Fun! - Solar Bear 2020 Champion
I got out for a ride today to test some new gear setup. I think I am going to start making a photo collection of abandoned stores and commercial buildings I find.

Just as long as there are not any no trespass or private property signs.

There are a few places in Connecticut like this. Specifically there is one that was an old diesel station that folks on two wheels hav been flocking to in recent years to get a shot for the 'gram (points at self). This was about an hour ride from my house, in what is referred to as The Quiet Corner of CT, and there is a cafe that motorcyclists frequent near it called The Vanilla Bean Cafe.

There's a Facebook group called CT Motorcycle Rides and Events, and literally thousands of pics were shared by folks in the group just like pic below, and it was kind of fun to make the trek and toss my pic in the group. Plus the Vanilla Bean Cafe has some great food.


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