Coffee Brakes
Are you guys familar with the Motosocial because I know they go around the world.
Thanks! Yeah, it's nice to know that most other riders are friendly especially the enthusiasts. Thats why i feel picky when people ask me to ride because I judge them on how they ride. Not trying to be mean but safe. Thats cool, I like how this group is worldwide. Keeps us riders all connected.Looked like a good turn out, well done for heading there by yourself!
I don't know of any UK events, I am a member of a Motosocial UK Fb group, but it is more a motovlogger thing.
I tend not to ride with folks I don't know, especially if they riding like that, recipe for disaster!
Yeah to be honest I've heard of Moto social on YouTube but never seen anything about it in the UK. Think it is something that could be promoted with very popular biker hubs such as Loomies and other biker cafes.
The UK is suffering big style with bike thefts so many people are not willing to meet in large numbers at events for fear of bikes being taken, being followed home etc.
Nice video though pal
Haven't seen it in the NL as well.
Maybe something to come