General Check out the bike in the last half of the video


Remember to Have Fun! - Solar Bear 2020 Champion
I know there are some cafe bike fans here so you might find the last bike an interesting mod.

It was nice seeing more bikes out. I even found out who rode the Shadow to my work. Turns out it was one of my former supervisors. Seems seeing my steel steed made him Jones for some adventure.
At the Africa Twin I realized that with the generous space of american roads, filtering would be easier there than anywhere else. Nice sportster tho.
At the Africa Twin I realized that with the generous space of american roads, filtering would be easier there than anywhere else. Nice sportster tho.

Yeah, filtering (aka lane splitting) might be easier but the state I live in, it is outlawed.

Now if you have a bigger bike like mine, I would not want to do it even it was legal. Too many folks with grudges...

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