Moto Mengy
Motovlogger from PA, USA
On May 24th Moto Mengy hit the 1000 subscriber milestone!
This video is my 1K celebration where I poke a little bit of fun at the whole thing, but I also take the time to wholeheartedly thank everyone who has both subscribed to and/or watched my channel. Without the viewers this milestone would not be possible.
Also I want to say thank you to this forum. I've learned a LOT by being a member here (I'm still learning a lot!) and I feel it's a big reason why I've hit this milestone so soon, so Thank You to everyone here!
This video is my 1K celebration where I poke a little bit of fun at the whole thing, but I also take the time to wholeheartedly thank everyone who has both subscribed to and/or watched my channel. Without the viewers this milestone would not be possible.
Also I want to say thank you to this forum. I've learned a LOT by being a member here (I'm still learning a lot!) and I feel it's a big reason why I've hit this milestone so soon, so Thank You to everyone here!